第 39 课:Medicine 医药-2

You won't feel a thing. 你不会感到丝毫疼痛。

This is the last shot. 这是最后一针了。

Have this prescription filled. 拿这张处方去配药吧

Let me have the full-strength prescription. 配给我最强的药。

Make sure he takes his medicine on time. 一定要他准时服药。

It isn't habit-forming. 这不会教人吃了上瘾

This is a strong medicine. 这是效力很强的药,

A little will go a long way. 吃一点点就能维持很久。

It'll get your blood circulating. 这会促进你的血液循环。

This miracle pill will soothe tired muscles. 这种神奇的药丸,会舒活你的酸痛筋骨。