第 49 课:Religion 宗教-2

The preacher gave a long-winded lecture on morality. 这位传道说了一篇有关道德方面,既长又无聊的道理。

She doesn't go to church much. 她不常去教堂。

Our church doesn't deal with secular matters. 我们的教会不过问俗事。

He's a man of the cloth. 他是位宗教人士。

God forgives, let him. 神是宽宏大量的,忏悔罪愆好让他来饶恕我们。

I'm praying to God. 我正在祷告。

They hope their prayers will be answered. 他希望他们的祈祷会蒙神垂听。

You think God really cares? 你真以为神会关怀人吗?