第 5 课:Hair 头发

With women, hair is part of the total picture. 对女人来说,头发是她们整个形象中不可或缺的一部分。

His mother begged him to cut off his ponytail. 他母亲求他把脑后的猪尾巴剪掉。

I love your hair. 我喜欢你的头发。

You have lovely, silky hair. 你有一头乌溜溜丝一般的头发。

Your new hairstyle is very flattering. 你的新发型平添你不少姿色。

Stop flattering me. 不要再夸奖我了。

She bleached her hair blond. 她把头发染成金黄色。

He's got a pretty goofy hairstyle. 他的发型古怪。

My hair is all tangled up. I can't comb it out. 我的头发纠缠在一起,梳不开。

You're wearing a wig? 原来你戴着假发。

He's going bald. 他快变成秃头了。