第 54 课:To Hurry Up 急促-4

We're pressed for time. 我们在赶时间。

We are running out of time. 我们的时间快用完了。

Every second counts. 现在分秒必争。

It's a race against the clock. 这是分秒必争的时刻

I'm pressed for time. Don't get in my way. 我在赶时间,少跟我碍手碍脚。

We're fighting the clock. 我们必须赶时间。

The clock is ticking. 时间不断地消逝。

I have no time for pessimists. 我不愿浪费时间给悲观的人。

Can you put a little pressure on? 你能稍微施点儿压力吗?