第 58 课:Time Descriptions & Philosophy 时间与哲学-1

Do you know what day it is today? 你知道今天是星期几吗?

Time flies, I've lost track of time. 时间飞快,我已记不清楚今夕是何年。

Wednesday is hump day. 星期三像一周中的分水岭。

Thank God it's Friday! 谢天谢地,又到星期五了。

I can't be sure of the exact time. 我也弄不清楚现在确切的时刻。

There's a three hour time lag between New York and California. 纽约和加州之间有三个钟头的时差。

My watch is five minutes fast. 我的手表快了五分钟。

A:Do you have the time? 你的手表几点了?

B:Sure, it's three forty-five(A quarter to four.) 三点四十五分钟。

A:What time is it now? 现在几点啦?