第 60 课:Setting Up Appointments 约定时间-2

B:Would 10 A.M. be all right? 10点总可以吧?

A:Lets make it 11 A.M. How's that with you? 我们就定在11点,你看行吗?

B:Fine with me. Make sure you're there at 11 sharp. 没问题,你11点整 一定要到。

A:Who are you here for? 你来这里见谁?

B:I'm here to see Ms. O'Connor. 我是来见欧卡娜小姐的。

Is Mr. Walters expecting you? 瓦特斯先生等着见你吗?

A:How about lunch on Thursday? 星期四去吃中饭好吗?

B:It's a date. 行,就这样说定了。