第 60 课:Setting Up Appointments 约定时间-3

I can't see you this afternoon. I'm all tied up. 我今天下午没法见你,我的时间都已排满了。

I'm not free on that day. 我那一天抽不出空来。

I have a tight schedule today. 我今天的行程很紧凑 。

Sorry. I can't do lunch with you. I have a previous engagement. 抱歉,我无法和你去用午饭,我和别人有约在先。

She's completely booked until next Monday. 她的时间到下星期一之前都已预约。

I'm sorry I spoiled your evening. 很抱歉,我使你今晚的计划泡汤了。

She can't make it for lunch. Something came up. 她临时出了一点事儿,没办法来吃午饭。