I'm my own boss and answer to no one. 我自己当老板,不用对谁负责。 The boss always gets the headache. 公司里出了什么问题,总是老板在担忧。 I'm the one who can't sleep at night. 我是那个每晚无法成眠的人。
He's the boss. 他是老板。 A good boss takes no nonsense. 一个好老板,不会听任他的属下胡来。 Must we maintain this ridiculous boss-employee relationship? 我们非得保持这种 可笑的老板-雇员关系吗? Here comes the boss and he's on the warpath. 老板杀气腾腾地走过来了。 My boss really chewed me out. 老板把我骂得狗血淋头。 The boss has gone on quite a rampage. 最近老板心绪不好,老是骂伙计。