My boss is screwed up. 我的老板是个思路不清的糊涂虫。 There's no hope in hell. 在地狱里没指望。 Sometimes, I just want to call it quits. 我有时真想辞职了事。 There must be an easier way to make money. 一定有更容易点儿的生财之道。 If worse comes to worst, I'll quit. 了不起我辞职,没什么大不了的。 I owe, I owe, so off to work I go. 我负债所以我一早就赶路去挣钱。 I hate work, but I need money. 我讨厌工作,但为了三餐温饱不做不行。 Another day, another dollar. 想赚一天的钱,又得干一天的活。