第 97 课:Diligence 辛勤工作-1

My work is my life. 我把工作当成命。

He cares passionately about his work. 他热衷于工作。

He lets no grass grow under his feet. 一有工作时,他会立刻马不停蹄地赶着做。

He's always on the go. 他整天马不停蹄。

He's a devoted employee. 他是忠心耿耿的职员。

I'll do whatever it takes to get the job done. 我要竭尽所能,来完成这项工作。

She's working hard to move forward. 她勤奋工作,力争上游。

I want to be the best I can be. 我要充分以挥自己的才干。