第 97 课:Diligence 辛勤工作-3

He stands on his own two feet. 他自食其力。

There's no easy way to make money. 没什么轻松的赚钱办法。

My career is made up of dirt and sweat. 我的事业是靠血汗挣来的。

I sweated for this money. 这个钱是我辛苦赚来的。

I broke my back to save up for a new house. 我辛苦地工作,想积些钱好买一栋新房子。

I make money the old-fashioned way. 我还按着古老的法子在挣钱。

It looks like you sweated it out. 好像你费了不少力气才做成的。