第 99 课:Taking Off From Work 请假

Take the rest of the day off. 你早点儿回去休息吧。

You look terrible. 你的气色不好。

He knocked off work early. 他今天提早下班走了。

I want to call in sick. 我想打电话到公司去请一天病假。

I'm going to take a sick day. 我想请一天病假。

I'm sick. I can't come in today. 我生病了,今天没法去上班。

He's on (a) medical leave. 他在病假中。

Asking one day off from my boss is like pulling teeth. 要求老板给一天假,活像要他的命似的。

I need someone to fill in the gap until he gets back. 我需要有人暂补这空缺,直到他回来。

Where is he? He didn't report for duty last night. 他跑到哪儿去了?他昨晚没来报到值勤。