美式新闻英语第 12 课:Bio Pic 'The Last King of Scotland' Tells Story of Notorious Ugandan Leader Idi Amin
《最后的苏格兰王》 ---- 臭名昭著的乌干达领导者伊迪·阿敏传记-1 When Army general Idi Amin became president of Uganda in a 1971 coup, he won widespread support with promises of reform and economic independence from former colonial ties. 伊迪·阿敏将军在 1971 的政变中成为了乌干达的总统,当时他承诺进行改革,并使经济独立于之前的殖民束缚,因此他赢得了普遍的支持。
But Amin's rule was marked by fear and sectarian violence. 但阿敏的统治以充满恐怖和宗派主义暴力著称。
By the time he was forced from power in 1979, Amnesty International estimates as many as 500,000 Ugandans had been killed. 直到 1979 年他被逼退位,国际反酷刑组织估计有多达 500000 的乌干达人被杀害。
Among the titles Amin gave himself were "President for Life," "Lord of All The Beasts of the Earth and Fishes of the Sea" and "The Last King of Scotland," which became the title for an award-winning novel on which the film is based. “一生的总统”,“天地万物的统治者”,和“最后的苏格兰王”,在阿敏给自己的这些头衔中“最后的苏格兰王”成为一部获奖小说的名称。这部电影就改编自这部小说。
In this mix of fact and fiction, history turns on a chance encounter between the Ugandan leader and a volunteer doctor from Scotland. 电影虚实结合,把历史以这位乌干达领导者和一位来自苏格兰的志愿医生的一次偶然遭遇的形式呈现出来。
Garrigan becomes the President's personal physician and close confidante ; but with this front-row seat, the young doctor watches in horror as the promises of change give way to atrocities. 加里干成为了这位总统的私人医生和亲密知己,但是正是借着这种亲密的关系,当阿敏的残暴凌驾于他承诺的改变之上,这位年轻医生在恐惧中看到了这一切。
Much of the film was shot on location in Uganda and Forest Whitaker says working with people who experienced the Amin years there helped him grasp the duality of the character he was playing. 电影大部分场景设置在乌干达。福里斯特·惠特克说在这儿与阿敏统治时代的人们一起工作有助于他把握他正塑超的角色的二重性。
Whitaker : When you talk to the people of Uganda, they have a dual opinion of him. There are people who hate him and there are people who really admire him like a hero. 惠特克:“当你与乌干达人们谈及阿敏,他们对他持有双重意见。有人恨他也有人像崇拜一个英雄一样崇拜他。
There's a large group that say they know all these murders and atrocities occurred, but he did all these great things. 很大一群人说他们清楚当年发生的那些谋杀和暴行,但他也做了一些伟大的事情。
He did things that clearly were wrong to do, but I think his intention in the beginning was to try to change the country. 他做了很明显是错误的事,但我认为他的初衷是想改变这个国家。”