第 18 课:Americans Devoting More Time to Media 美国人愈加关注媒体-2

The Statistical Abstract of the United States: 2007 also presents a picture of how Americans spend their leisure time.《美国统计摘要》 2007 版还反映出美国人是如何打发他们的闲暇时光的。

For example, one private industry group did a forecast that for 2007, people will spend 65 days watching TV, 41 days listening to radio and a little over a week surfing the Internet, and also spend about a week reading the daily newspapers. And teens will also spend maybe another week listening to recorded music. 我们一个私密产业组对 2007 年进行了预测。人们将用 65 天看电视, 41 天听广播,一个多礼拜上网,约一个礼拜看日报。少年们还会再用一周听碟片。

iPods and the Internet weren't a part of life a quarter-century ago, and according to Leo Kivijarv, with PQ Media, one of the private groups that collect data for the Abstract, that's changed the way Americans access their information and entertainment. iPods 和因特网 25 年前不会被列入生活的一部分。按照为《摘要》收集数据的私密产业组成员之一雷奥 · 纪维亚 的统计,它们改变了美国人接受信息和娱乐的方式。

Leo Kivijarv : If you were looking at the average American in 1975, in terms of different devices etc, they really only had eight basic choices in where to use the media. Today, there are up to approximately 25 different devices that they can access their media. 雷奥 · 纪维亚: “如果你看一下 1975 年美国平民的装置,大概只有 8 件用于媒体。而如今他们的设备中约有 25 种不同的设备是用于接收媒体的。”

And they can access all those media devices not only at home, but almost anywhere. 而且他们随处都可接收媒体,而非仅仅在家里。

Leo Kivijarv : For example, if you were to take an airplane in 1975, you really didn't have much access to any types of media except for reading a book, a magazine or a newspaper while you are flying. 雷奥 · 纪维亚: “例如, 1975 年你乘坐飞机的时候,除了读书、杂志、报纸你没有其他方式来接收媒体。

Now, a person on the some airlines actually has access to in-flight entertainment, while others will be using their computers to access the DVDs that they might have brought along with them or different types of music devices. 现在,在定期航线中,人们可以用随身携带的电脑看 DVD ,或者听不同种类的音乐。”

They might even check out the Abstract itself. It's available on-line, on the US-Europe website. 人们甚至可以付账看《摘要》,在美欧网上即可看到。

While many teachers and historians use the information in the Abstract for educational and academic purposes, there is commercial value in all that data, too. 许多教师和历史学家出于教育或学术目的运用摘要中的信息,那些信息也都具有市场价值。

The various statistics allow business people and marketers to learn more about their potential customers and how to reach them. 各种统计数据使得商人和市场商人更加了解他们的潜在消费者,并满足其需求。

And everyone else might enjoy spending some of that predicted week of Internet time surfing through the Abstract , for an entertaining and informative look at where the nation is going. 其他人也许会像预测的那样花费一些上网时间来浏览摘要娱乐或是了解国家动向。