美式新闻英语第 21 课:France Urges Sudan to Accept More Peacekeepers
法国敦促苏丹接受更多维和部队 Speaking about the Darfur conflict, Mr. Chirac said Africa must refuse to accept what he called the fatality of a humanitarian catastrophe , which threatens an entire region. 谈到达尔福尔冲突,希拉克总统表示非洲应当阻止这种人道主义灾难,这是一场浩劫,并威胁到整个非洲地区。
He says the international community and the African Union are ready to help, but Sudan's government and other belligerents must accept more peacekeepers and stop the fighting. 他说,整个国际社会与非盟都将给予帮助,但前提是苏丹政府以及其他交战国必须接受更多维和部队的进驻,并停止开火。
Mr. Chirac also tried to organize a meeting between Sudan's president and the leaders of Egypt, the Central African Republic and Chad. 希拉克总统也正尝试着组织一次会谈,参与者将包括苏丹总统,及埃及、中非共和国、乍得湖地区领导人。
Rebel movements near the border with Sudan have been active in both Chad and CAR, leading to the killing of civilians and the displacement of thousands of people back and forth across borders. 在乍得与中非,临近苏丹边境线上的反抗活动愈演愈烈,已造成众多平民的死亡与上千人在边境上的转移。
The governments in Chad and CAR have accused Sudan of backing these rebel movements. Darfurian rebels have their headquarters in Chad's capital. 乍得与中非政府强烈谴责苏丹对这些叛乱分子的支持。达尔福尔反动武装已在乍得首都设立了总部。
A 7,000-strong African Union force has been trying to help stop the violence in Darfur, itself, but it is under-funded and ill-equipped. 一支 7000 人的非盟武装部队已被派遣前往达尔福尔制止暴乱,但这支部队显然缺乏足够的资金与装备的支持。
Sudan's government has so far rejected a United Nations Security Council resolution calling for a large U.N. peacekeeping contingent, but has sent mixed signals about a joint, U.N.-African Union force. 苏丹政府日前已回绝了联合国关于组织一支更强大的联合国维和分队的解决方案,它要求一支联合国与非盟的联合军队。
There are also efforts for an international peacekeeping force in the border region along the three countries. 在三国的边境上,众多国际维和力量也正在积极努力。
As part of bilateral accords, France has already been helping the governments of Chad and CAR fight back their own insurgencies . 按照双边协议,法国已帮助乍得及中非回击各自的暴乱。
Mr. Chirac defended these actions, saying they were in line with U.N. and African Union mandates, to help contain violence in Africa. 希拉克总统支持这种作法,并认为能牵制住非洲的动乱力量,完全符合联合国与非盟的要求。
One of the frontrunners in next April's French presidential election, in which Mr. Chirac is not a candidate, Segolene Royal says she would consider reviewing these French military accords in Africa, saying they are outdated. 四月份的新一届法国总统大选,希拉克将不再参选,而参选人之一,风头正劲的 塞格琳 · 罗雅尔 表示她将重新审查法国在非洲的军事协议,那些都已经过时了。
More than 30 African heads of state are taking part in the three-day summit, as well as several European leaders. The lack of conflict resolution in divided Ivory Coast and military-ruled Guinea are also being discussed. 30 多位非洲各国领导人以及部分欧洲首脑将参加为期三天的政府首脑会议。象牙海岸的暴乱以及被军事占领的几内亚问题也在此次会议上被提出讨论。
Several African leaders are not attending, including Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, who has a European travel ban because of human rights abuses, and South African and Ivory Coast presidents Thabo Mbeki and Laurent Gbagbo, both of whom have strained relations with Mr. Chirac. 其中有几位非洲领导人并未出席。如津巴布韦总统罗伯特 · 穆加贝,因为人权问题被禁止出入欧洲。而南非总统塔博 · 姆贝基与象牙海岸总统洛朗 · 巴博也因与希拉克总统关系紧张而未参加此次会议。