美式新闻英语第 3 课:Oprah Uses Power of Media to Change Lives
奥普拉挟媒体之势改变命运-1 Oprah Winfrey has always had something to say, from reciting verses and poems at church as a 3-year-old, to hosting a daily talk show now seen by a global audience of more than 48 million. 奥普拉 · 温弗丽,从三岁在教堂背诗背散文,到现在为一档拥有全球超过四千八百万观众的脱口秀做主持,她好像总是有话说。
Winfrey began her broadcasting career at a radio station in Nashville, Tennessee, while she was still in high school. 温弗丽在上高中时就开始了她的播音生涯,为田纳西州纳什维尔的一家广播站播音。
She worked in TV news in several cities before coming to Chicago, where she hosted a morning talk show. 她为好几个城市的电视新闻工作过,到芝加哥后她主持了一档晨间的脱口秀。
When it went into national syndication in 1986, The Oprah Winfrey Show became the highest-rated talk show in television history. 当 1986 年这家公司变为全国辛迪加, 欧普拉 · 温弗丽秀开始成为史上收视率最高的脱口秀。
Winfrey is proud of the close connection the show has given her with her audience, especially women. 温弗里为这个节目能将她与她的观众,尤其是女性观众,拉得那么近而感到骄傲。
Oprah Winfrey : There are all different ages, all different colors, all different social, economic backgrounds and the common bond is validation , particularly mothers. I think women play themselves so small as mothers in this country. 奥普拉 · 温弗丽: “她们可能年龄不同,肤色不同,社会、经济背景不同,但共同点是确定的,尤其是母亲们。我认为这个国家的母亲们把自己看得太渺小。
They say 'I'm just a stay-at-home Mom.' What I try to do is to say that's the most powerful job on earth that anybody is ever going to have. 她们说:‘我只是个居家妈妈。'而我想说的是,那应是世上最伟大的工作,任何人都应去追求。
And if you do that really, really well, you would have been one of the great successes of our time. 如果你能把它真的,真的做好,你就会是我们的时代里最成功的人之一。”
Winfrey, whose parents never married, was raised by her grandmother who taught her how to read and write at age three. 温弗丽的父母从未结婚,是她奶奶养大她,并在她 3 岁时教会她读书写字的。
"Reading saved my life. It changed who I believed I could be." “阅读拯救了我的人生。它改变了我对自我的期望。”