第 30 课:2007 May Be 'Year of the Woman' in French Politics
2007 年可能成为法国政坛的“妇女年” -1

Corinne Lepage still remembers being humiliated, a decade ago, as French lawmakers tore apart draft environmental legislation introduced by a fellow conservative politician. 科琳 · 李佩奇仍然对十年前的羞辱记忆犹新,一位保守党政员提交了一份环境法议案,却被立法者撕碎。

She was France's minister of the environment at the time, under former prime minister Alain Juppe. 当时她是法国环境部部长,在前总理 阿兰 · 朱佩手下工作。

Lepage says the deputies treated the document disrespectfully, and her as well.  She believes that would never have happened, had she been a man. 李佩奇表示代表们无礼地处理那些文件,对她也一样不尊重。她确定如果他是男性,这些事就绝不会发生的。

The incident certainly did not kill Lepage's appetite for politics. She has thrown her hat into France's presidential race , taking on an alias - that of the influential, 16th century French queen Catherine de Medicis.  这件事当然并不会抹杀李佩奇对政治的热诚。她化名凯萨琳娜 · 德 · 美第奇 —— 最具影响的 16 世纪法国女皇,决心参加法国总统竞选。

Today, she is among at least half a dozen female candidates hoping to run in the first round of voting, in April. 今天,她位居至少 6 为女性候选人之中,准备参加四月份的第一轮选举。

Female candidates are also clamoring to run in June legislative elections. Their numbers prompted this headline in the weekly Le Journal du Dimanche :  "2007: The Year of Women?" 女性候选人也要求参加六月份的立法选举。她们的人数之多引发《星期日报》头条新闻“ 2007 :妇女年?”

Political scientists like Janine Mossuz-Lavau says there is being a woman this election season may be an asset. 政治学家如詹南 ·摩萨斯-拉瓦说,在这季选举中,身为女性也许就是资本。

Mossuz-Lavau says a number of factors explain the new, more welcoming climate for female politicians in France. French legislation to equalize the political playing field has helped. 摩萨斯-拉瓦表示,女性政客在法国成为新兴而且更受欢迎,这种现象是由很多因素造成的。法国补偿政治竞争的政策对此起了很大作用。

Many French women work these days, which also favors political engagement. Then there is the international context: Women have recently been elected presidents for the first time in Chile and Liberia. 现在很多法国女性本身有工作,也热衷于参与政治。此外还受国际环境影响:智利和利比里亚首次选举女性为总统。