第 37 课:Blair Announces Partial British Troop Withdrawal from Iraq 英国首相布莱尔宣布撤回部分驻伊拉克士兵

Speaking before members of the House of Commons, Mr. Blair announced the initial draw-down of British forces from around Basra in southern Iraq. 在英国下议院,布莱尔首相宣布首次撤回驻扎在伊拉克南部城市巴士拉附近的英军士兵。

Mr. Blair : The actual reduction in forces will be from the present 7,100 - itself down from over 9,000 two years ago and 40,000 at the time of the conflict - to roughly 5,500. 布莱尔:“在伊的实际兵力已从刚爆发战争时的 40,000 人减少到两年前的 9 , 000 多人,再到现如今的 7,100 人,直到 5,500 人。”

Mr. Blair said most of the remaining troops would deploy to Basra airbase and serve increasingly in a support role with specific tasks. 布莱尔说大多数仍留守的士兵将会被安排驻守在巴士拉的空军基地而且将会更多充当在特别任务中支援的角色。

Mr. Blair : Training and support to Iraqi forces, securing the Iraq-Iran border, securing supply routes and above all, the ability to conduct operations against extremist groups and be there in support of the Iraqi army when called upon. 布莱尔:“训练伊拉克部队并给予支持,保障两伊边界安全,保障运输线畅通其中最重要的是,采取军事行动打击极端分子和恐怖组织并在需要的时候给伊拉克部队以支持。”

Mr. Blair said the withdrawal and redeployment are possible because of the increased readiness of Iraqi forces to take over control. 布莱尔说伊拉克部队对权力移交的准备越来越充分,因此撤离和调换是可行的。

The British decision to withdraw some of its forces was made as the United States increases its troop strength by more than 20,000 for stepped up security operations around Baghdad. 英国是在美国为了提高巴格达周围安全系数而增加其士兵人数超过 20 , 000 之后决定撤回部分士兵的。

Mr. Blair said one could not compare the situation in predominately Shi'ite Basra, where relative calm has prevailed for some time, to Baghdad, which remains at the center of sectarian and insurgent violence with large populations of Shia and Sunni Muslims. 布莱尔说巴士拉的状况不能与巴格达相比较,由什叶派控制的巴士拉在这一段时间内成功的保持相对平静,而巴格达仍然是大量什叶派和逊尼派穆斯林聚集和起义暴力时发的中心。

Mr. Blair said he hoped to be able to reduce British troop levels to below 5,000 later this year, but he also said forces would stay in Iraq into 2008 and his words as long as they are wanted and have a job to do. 布莱尔说他希望在今年的晚些时候英军的军队人数能够下降到 5 , 000 人次,但是他同时声明英军将会驻扎在伊拉克直到 2008 ,只要他的士兵在伊被需要并且有事可做那么他的这一诺言就会实现。

As Mr. Blair announced a reduction in British troop levels, Denmark's prime minister announced the withdrawal from southern Iraq of the Danish contingent of 460 troops by August.  随着布莱尔宣布削减驻伊拉克英军人数,丹麦首相也宣布在 8 月之前从伊拉克南部撤回 460 名丹麦士兵组成的派遣队。