美式新闻英语第 42 课:Belligerent Green Ogre Back for Shrek the Third
《怪物史莱克3》--绿魔怪回来了-2 ANTONIO BANDERAS : They did actually something that is counter-cultural. They took characters from children's literature that we grew up with them and they looked at them with a totally different perspective and from a totally different angle and that, I think, is appeals, one of the strong appeals that "Shrek". 安东尼奥·班德拉斯:他们做的事情实际上就是反主流文化。他们从儿童文学中抽取角色,而这些角色曾是我们成长的伙伴。他们从一个完全不同的观点和角度来看待这些角色,我觉得这很有意思,而在这些角色中最吸引人的就是“史莱克”。
MIKE MYERS : one of the great things they inverted the traditional Euro-centric fairy tale in every possible way. 迈克·梅尔斯 :最伟大的事情之一是他们用各种可能的方式扭转了传统的以欧洲为中心的童话模式。
Mike Myers adds that, like the children's stories it lampoons , "Shrek" also delivers a moral to the story. 迈克·梅尔斯 补充到,正如“史莱克”在儿童故事中所讽刺的,它也为故事带来了一个新的道德典范。
MIKE MYERS : They had an ogre girl with a 'pretty girl' spell thrown on her, not the opposite. Traditional villains are heroes in this; traditional heroes are villains. They sort of make you question what is 'normal' ...what is the right way to have a family, to love, to be. You know mean it is about diversity and this about inclusion and loving yourself. 迈克·梅尔斯:故事中有一个被漂亮女孩附身的魔女,这和普通的故事相反,通常故事中的情节基本上都是“被魔鬼附身的漂亮女孩”。传统的坏人在这里成了英雄;传统的英雄成了坏人。它们会让你质疑什么东西才是“正常的”……什么才是正确的方式,成立家庭,爱别人也被爱?你知道它说的是人与人之间的不同,它还告诉你要爱你自己。
In "Shrek The Third," that counter-culture approach has the fairy tale princesses - from Snow White to Sleeping Beauty - refusing to wait around to be rescued and, instead, taking matters into their own hands. Cameron Diaz, the voice of princess Fiona, welcomes that message of empowerment. 在《怪物史莱克Ⅲ》中,反主流文化的途径还包括童话中的公主 —— 从白雪公主到睡美人 —— 《怪物史莱克Ⅲ》中的公主拒绝等待被救赎,反之,她们把命运抓在自己手中。 公主菲奥纳的配音演员卡梅伦·迪亚兹喜欢这个角色所带给大家的启发。
CAMERON DIAZ : I love that Fiona has always been, like, 'this is who I am.' Since the first "Shrek" when she became her true ogre self, she has always been 'this is who I am;' but I think it is also a message that is for boys and girls alike - for everyone: you just can't sit around and wait for somebody to do something for you. You can't wait for it to happen for you. You have to go out and make it happen for yourself. I think that's the message that reaches everyone (and) it's for everyone. 卡梅伦·迪亚兹:我喜欢菲奥纳的形象,这个形象正如她常说的一句话,“这就是我”。自从她在第一部“怪物史莱克”中变成了怪物 —— 那是她真实的自己,她就常常是“这就是我”;但是我觉得这也是给男孩女孩们的一个启发,也是给所有人的启发:你不能光坐在那里等待别人为你做事。你不能等待有什么事情会突然发生在你身上。你要出去自己动手做你希望发生的事情。我想这个信息会影响每个人,对所有人而言都是这样的。
The duplicitous Prince Charming is voiced by English actor Rupert Everett. The voice cast also includes Julie Andrews as the queen of Far Far Away. John Cleese has the best death scene ever as the Frog King; fellow "Monty Python" alumnus Eric Idle joins the cast as the wizard Merlin. Pop star Justin Timberlake plays reluctant young Arthur. Comic actresses Amy Sedaris, Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph are the fairy tale princesses along with broadcaster Larry King. 公主的那位狡诈的求婚者由英国演员 鲁波特·埃弗雷特配音。遥远国皇后的配音演员是茱莉·安德鲁斯。约翰·克莱斯为青蛙国王配音表演了那一段最精彩的死亡剧情;国师梅林由《巨蟒派森》中的埃里克·艾多尔配音。流行歌手贾斯汀·汀布莱克给任性的年轻人亚瑟配音。喜剧女演员艾米·赛德利斯、艾米·波哈尔、玛雅·鲁多夫和播音员拉里·金一起为几个公主配音。