第 43 课:Tim McGraw Tops Country Charts with New Album, 'Let It Go'
蒂姆·麦克洛凭新专辑《 Let It Go 》称霸乡村歌曲榜

Tim McGraw's latest album, Let It Go , is his 10th consecutive release to debut at Number One on Billboard's Country Albums chart. 蒂姆·麦克洛的最新专辑《 Let It Go 》荣登公告牌杂志乡村歌曲专辑排行榜的榜首,这是他连续第十次获得这样的成绩。

Let It Go is his third collection recorded with his touring band. 《 Let It Go 》是他和他的巡回乐队共同录制的第三张合辑。

TIM MCGRAW : My band, The Dancehall Doctors, we've been together right around 15 years. The two that have been with me the longest has been 18 years now, since we were in a band pulling a trailer. We've been doing it so long now, I feel that I can stretch my wings and do all kinds of styles of music. Because, when I open my mouth and sing, it's going to come out like me. It allows us a certain amount of freedom to just pick whatever kind of songs we like and not necessarily look for any type of songs. 蒂姆·麦克洛:我的乐队“舞厅医生”已经在一起演出了十五年左右。其中两名成员从还在开拖车的时候就和我一起组乐队了,至今已有十八年。干这行这么久,我感觉自己可以自如的驾驭各种风格的音乐,因为我一张嘴唱歌,那就是我自己的格调。这给了我们很大的自由空间,可以随便挑我们喜欢的歌曲,而不用刻意寻找某一类型。

Included on Let It Go is "Train #10," a song Tim co-wrote with Brad and Brett Warren of The Warren Brothers. Other highlights include Tim's new version of Eddie Rabbitt's 1979 Number One Country hit, "Suspicions," and this duet he recorded with his wife, Faith Hill, "Shotgun Rider." 专辑《 Let It Go 》中收录了蒂姆与沃伦兄弟(布拉德·沃伦和布莱特·沃伦)共同创作的歌曲《 10 号列车》,由蒂姆翻唱的艾迪·拉比特 1979 年乡村歌曲冠军曲目《怀疑》,以及蒂姆与妻子费斯·希尔的合唱作品《猎枪骑士》,都十分出彩。

"Shotgun Rider" is one of two duets Tim recorded with Faith for his new album. Last year, Tim and Faith performed their second "Soul2Soul" tour, which became the highest-grossing Country tour ever. In June, they'll launch another "Soul2Soul" outing. Tim says this will likely be their last. 蒂姆在新专辑中共与费斯合唱了两支歌曲,《猎枪骑士》是其中之一。去年,这对夫妻举办了他们第二轮的 Soul2Soul 巡回演唱,同时也成了史上最卖座的乡村音乐巡回演唱会。六月,他们会开始又一轮的巡演,蒂姆说这很可能是最后一次。

TIM MCGRAW : The kids are getting older, 9, 8 and 5 and there's probably not going to be too many more summers, probably not any, that they're going to be able to go out. So, the reason we continued the tour this year is because we thought it might be the last shot we would get. It's a real family atmosphere when we're out there. This last year, we had a bus and people brought some family out every now and then. The kids run around, and they're working in the office and stamping passes with Marla, and doing all kinds of things on the bus. So, they're pretty heavily into it now and they have a good time. 蒂姆·麦克洛:孩子们长大了,一个九岁,一个八岁,还有一个五岁,他们不会再有很多个空闲的夏天和我们一起出来,说不定一个都没有了。所以,我们在今年继续巡演的原因就在于这可能是最后的机会。我们出门的时候很有家的气氛,在这最后一年,我们开着一辆巴士,不时地会有人带着一家子出来。孩子们四处玩耍,在办公室里做功课,和玛拉一起在通行证上盖章,在巴士上做各种事情。因此,他们现在对这样的旅行很着迷,都开心得不得了。

In addition to being one of today's biggest Country stars, Tim has earned positive reviews for his acting. He appeared in Billy Bob Thornton's 2004 film Friday Night Lights and played his first starring role in last year's family drama, Flicka. Later this year, he'll be seen again in The Kingdom alongside Jamie Foxx, Jennifer Garner and Chris Cooper. Tim explains why he doesn't plan to make acting a permanent career. 作为当今最著名的乡村歌手之一,蒂姆在影视表演上也赢得了赞誉。他参演了比利·鲍勃·松顿 2004 年的电影《周五夜晚的灯光》 并在去年的家庭剧《弗利卡》中出任男一号。今年年底,他还会和杰米·福克斯、珍妮弗·加纳以及克里斯·库伯一同出现在电影《王国》中。蒂姆解释了他为何不将表演视作终生职业的原因。

TIM MCGRAW : Acting's great. I love it. As an artist, it's a great outlet. The sitting around and waiting I'm not very fond of. It's hard for me to just sit around. Don't get me wrong, I like to just sit around and do nothing, but not all day. 蒂姆·麦克洛:我喜欢演戏,很过瘾。作为一名艺人,这是个很好的出路。但我并不喜欢坐在那里等待。只是坐在那儿对我来说很难。别误会,我也喜欢呆坐着什么都不干,但不能整天那样。

The first single from Let It Go was written by Big Kenny of the popular Country duo Big And Rich. Here is Tim McGraw with “Last Dollar.”《 Let It Go 》中的第一支单曲出自著名乡村音乐组合“比格与里奇”的成员比格·肯尼之手。下面就是蒂姆·麦克洛的这首歌曲《最后一美元》。