第 44 课:New Movie 'The Hoax' Focuses on Author Who Wrote Fake Autobiography of Billionaire Hughes

The Clifford Irving of the film is a man desperate for recognition, especially after his literary agent tells him the publisher rejected his latest novel. 影片中的克利福德·艾尔文是个急于得到认可的男人,尤其是在他的代理人告诉他出版社拒绝了他的最新小说之后。

Not someone to take such rejection sitting down, Irving concocts a plan to get the publisher to pay handsomely - a million dollars - for a book about industrialist Howard Hughes, one of the most mysterious personalities of 35 years ago. 对于这种拒绝,艾尔文可不是善罢甘休的人,他炮制了一个新书计划,主角是三十五年前最神秘的人物之一,实业家霍华德·休斯,以此令出版社慷慨解囊,出资一百万美元。

Irving claims he has been granted a rare ...no, not rare, unheard of interview with Hughes. It is a big lie; so, naturally, the agent and publisher believe him. 艾尔文声称,他已经获准对休斯进行一次特别的、简直是闻所未闻的采访。这是个弥天大谎,而代理人和出版商无疑对此信以为真。

That, as Irving explains to his collaborator Richard Susskind (played by Alfred Molina), is the beauty of his plan: there is no one to refute his story except Hughes ...and the billionaire is notoriously private. 正如艾尔文向他的合作伙伴理查德·萨斯凯德(由阿尔弗莱德·莫利纳扮演)解释的那样,他计划的精妙之处恰恰在于,除了休斯本人,没人能拆穿他的故事,而那位亿万富翁又是出了名的深居简出。

RICHARD GERE : We all lie. Everyone does. Small, big ...we all lie. We lie to ourselves, we lie to other people. They're usually not big enough that it hurts anyone, but we all do. 理查·基尔:我们都会撒谎,每个人都是。大大小小的谎言,没人例外。我们对自己撒谎,对别人撒谎,尽管通常并不会对任何人造成伤害,但我们的确都在这样做。

Richard Gere says the story of The Hoax interests him because Irving is - as the actor puts it - 'very human and easy to relate to.' 理查·基尔称,他之所以对影片《骗局》的故事感兴趣,是因为艾尔文这个人物“十分人性化,十分贴近日常生活”。

RICHARD GERE : I saw into this guy and I saw what we all do. We kind of rally our forces and find a way to make it ok, how bad we are... and put another spin on it that we feel comfortable with. This guy is very human. 理查·基尔:在这个人物的身上我发现了我们很多人的共性。有时候我们会整合自己的力量,为达目的不择手段,这很糟糕,不仅如此,我们还会给自己的行为找各种借口以求心安理得。这个人物非常真实。

RICHARD GERE : It was important to set up that this guy was underappreciated . Certainly he felt he was and there was kind of a superior attitude from the literary world about him that he is really 'not cool', he is really not of a stature that needs to be respected. I think we can all identify with that and the sense that there are authority figures and experts that really don't know so much. We would really like to prove to them that maybe we are better than they think we are. 理查·基尔:有一点很重要,人们并不欣赏艾尔文这个人物。当然,他自己也知道,文学界普遍认为他这个人实在“不怎么样”,他的所作所为并不值得尊敬。但我想大家都很清楚,有一些专家和权威人物对他的了解并不那么深入,我们很想向他们证明,事情或许并不像他们想象的那么糟。

Irving, who sold the filmmakers the rights to adapt his book, has praised Gere's performance, but complained about the creative liberties taken with the story. Gere says he did not attempt to meet or talk with Irving before making the film and he reminds the author - and the audience - that 'it's a movie.' 艾尔文将他著作的改编权卖给了制片人,他称赞基尔的表演,但对故事创作的无限自由度颇有微词。基尔坦言自己在影片拍摄之前并不曾试图与艾尔文会面或谈话,而且他也提醒作者和观众,“这只是一部电影”。

RICHARD GERE : This script is not a documentary about him. This is a two-hour dramatic presentation of a time in history that is about him, Howard Hughes (and) a lot of things. It goes a gamut of possibilities from the minutiae of people in their lives and the lies of those live to these huge lies that have to do with nations and history and craziness. 理查·基尔:这并不是关于艾尔文的纪录影片,而是一场针对一段历史时期的长度两小时的戏剧展现,其中涉及到艾尔文、霍华德·休斯以及很多内容。它囊括了全部的可能性,从人们的日常琐事和他们生活中的流言蜚语到那些关系到国家、历史和狂热事件的弥天大谎。

Gere says his research convinces him Irving was surprised he almost got away with it and that it was never about the money. 基尔说,通过调查他相信,艾尔文很惊讶自己几乎逃脱罪责,而且,他的所作所为从来不是为了金钱。

RICHARD GERE : I thought that, genuinely, he was going to give the money back. At the point where he was finally caught he would just give the money back and say 'that's not why I did this. I think he saw it as somewhat of a 'happening.' It was an art object he was creating and it was definitely directed against authority figures and experts who had oppressed him in his life (saying) 'I fooled you.' 理查·基尔:我想事实上他将要把钱退回去。在他最终被抓获时他正要退还那笔钱,然后说“我这么干并不是为了钱”。他把自己的行为当成一场“即兴表演”。他创造了一件艺术品,目的就是为了回击那些一直打压他的权威人物和专家,“瞧,我把你骗了。”

The author spent 14 months in federal prison and after his release went back to writing novels. The Hoax is directed by Lasse Hallstrom and co-stars Oscar-winner Marcia Gay Harden as Irving's wife Edith, also convicted for her role in the plot. 作家艾尔文在联邦监狱里服刑十四个月,刑满释放后重新开始小说创作。影片《骗局》由拉斯·霍尔斯卓姆担任导演,同时请来了奥斯卡奖得主玛西娅·盖伊·哈顿扮演艾尔文的妻子伊迪丝,这个女人在这场阴谋中也被宣判有罪。