第 48 课:New Baseball Stadium Takes Shape in US Capital

ROSS FELDMAN : I'm very excited about it. It's going to be nice to have a new stadium. I like to have that newer feeling stadium, a lot of new amenities . I'll miss RFK but definitely looking forward to the new stadium. 罗斯·费尔德曼:对此我很高兴,有个新球场真棒。我喜欢那个可以带来全新感受的令人愉快的新馆。我会怀念 RFK 球场的,但也的确对新球场充满期待。

Another fan, Iris Hendley, says a modern stadium will help bring in more revenue because it will attract more spectators, especially wealthy ones. 另一个球迷艾里斯·亨德雷说,一个现代球场会带来更多收入,因为它能吸引更多观众,尤其是富人。

IRIS HENDLEY : As much as I love RFK, the fact that we don't have sky boxes or suites , from a business perspective, I think the new stadium will help that. It stays in line with what the business of baseball is doing with stadiums. 艾里斯·亨德雷:我热爱 RFK 球场,但那里缺少高空包厢和其它一些现代化的设备也是事实。从商业的角度讲,一个新球场可以弥补这些不足。将棒球比赛当成一项商业运作,那么它对场馆的需要正是这个。

In fact, the Nationals' new stadium will feature three categories of suites. The most expensive will cost $400,000 per year and have many luxury features and benefits. 事实上,国民队的新球场会置备三类新设备。最贵的每年要耗费四十万美元,提供舒适而奢侈的服务。

The stadium, which will seat about 41,000, is being constructed mostly of concrete and steel, with 3,500 pieces of steel making up the bowl structure. In all there will be about 44,000 cubic meters of cast-in-place concrete. 球场拥有约四万一千个座位,场馆的大部分都是由混凝土和钢结构筑造成的,碗状构架用去了三千五百根钢管,而浇筑混凝土的总量大概要达到四万四千立方米。

Inspiration for the exterior look of the new ballpark, which will feature a lot of glass, is taken from the East Wing of Washington's National Gallery of Art. When the stadium is finished, Kasten says it will be state of the art.新场的外部有大量的玻璃结构,这个灵感来自华盛顿国家艺术馆的东翼建筑。卡斯滕称,球场建成之后将充满艺术感。

KASTEN : We are truly building the latest of Washington's monuments , a building that will be instantly recognizable as the premier baseball venue in the country. 卡斯滕:我们实际是在建造华盛顿最新的地标式建筑,一座不容错辨的国家第一棒球场。

On clear days, most fans in the stadium's upper deck will even get views of both the Capitol building and the Washington Monument. 果天气晴朗,坐在球场的上层看台,观众甚至可以清楚地看到国会大厦和华盛顿纪念碑。