第 5 课:Oprah Uses Power of Media to Change Lives 奥普拉挟媒体之势改变命运-3
The idea began six years ago, on a trip to Africa. 这个想法源于六年前,她在非洲的一次旅行途中。
Oprah Winfrey : Africa was a change-your-life moment for me. I went there to do one thing and it became something else. 奥普拉 · 温弗丽: “非洲之旅是个脱胎换骨的瞬间。我原本是为了一件事去的,到头来却成为另一件事。
I went there with an idea to create a nice big Christmas for all these kids. What happened was I was changed in a moment. 我去的时候是想给所有的孩子们制造一个美好的圣诞节。但我在瞬间被迫改变初衷。
When I looked at their faces there was my face. I realized, 'Oh, this is why I was born. 当我看着他们的脸时我看到了自己。我意识到,‘天,这就是我存在的原因吧。
I was born to now be the voice for these children.' I don't have any kids of my own, but these will be my kids. 我存在是为了做这些孩子们的声音。'我自己没有孩子,而他们就是我的孩子。”
Winfrey has donated $40 million and much personal time to set up the Leadership Academy for Girls near Johannesburg. 温弗丽捐了 4 千万,花了很多时间,终于在约翰内斯堡附近建立起了女子领导者学院。
It opened its doors earlier this month with 152 young students. 本月初开学,第一批是 152 个年轻的学生们。
With the school, Oprah Winfrey says she is just doing what she has always encouraged her viewers to do, use their lives to make a difference in the lives of others. 通过这个学校,欧普拉说她只是做了她总鼓励她的观众们去做的事 —— 用他们自己的人生为别人的人生创造改变。