第 54 课:Paleo-Artists Depict Prehistoric Worlds for Modern Viewers

The best-known paleo-artist was Charles R. Knight. His paintings and sketches were widely seen in encyclopedias, textbooks and children's books through the 20th century. 查尔斯· R ·耐特是位久负盛名的古生物艺术家。他的绘画和素描在整个 20 世纪的百科全书、教科书和儿童读物中随处可见。

The images captivated Douglas Jones, and he went on to become the director of the Florida Museum of Natural History in the city of Gainesville. 他塑造的形象把道格拉斯 · 琼斯给迷住了,琼斯后来成了位于盖丽斯维尔城的佛罗里达自然历史博物馆馆 长。

Jones says Knight inspired generations of scientists, by bringing fossils to life. The artist's paintings adorn the walls of great museums, from the American Museum of Natural History in New York to Chicago's Field Museum and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 琼斯说耐特使化石复活了,以此激发了一代又一代的科学家。从美国纽约的自然历史博物馆到芝加哥的菲尔德博物馆,以及洛杉矶郡的自然历史博物馆,这些博物馆的墙上都挂着这位艺术家的绘画作品。

Knight died in 1953, and since then , our understanding of dinosaurs and other ancient creatures has changed. 耐特于 1953 年离开人世。从那以后,我们对于恐龙和其它远古物种的了解就改变了。

Dinosaurs were once viewed as sluggish giants, but Jones says the huge creatures were energetic and agile, and Knight sensed that. 恐龙曾经被视为是笨拙的巨型动物,但是琼斯说这个大家伙精力充沛,而且行动敏捷,耐特对此也有同感。

DOUGLAS JONES : They were more vigorous, and more successful and more animated than some of the earlier paintings would seem to indicate. So in a sense some of the dinosaur paintings are a little bit out of date. But I hasten to add that in many cases, Charles Knight led the way because he painted some of the dinosaurs in their more active poses, and it was the paleontologists whose paradigm of a sluggish reptilian view held them back. 道格拉斯 · 琼斯:他的绘画比早期的一些作品表达地更有力度,更成功,并且更加生动。所以在某种意义上说,有些恐龙作品有一点过时了。但是我得补充一下的是,在多数情况下,查尔斯 · 耐特之所以成为先锋是因为他的作品关注的是恐龙活动时的形象,而古生物学者认为恐龙像爬虫动物一样行动迟缓的观点影响了其他画家在创作恐龙绘画时的想象力。

In addition to dinosaurs, Knight painted such later ice-age creatures as mammoths, saber-tooth cats and giant sloths, and ancient fish that were ancestors to modern marine life. 除了恐龙,耐特还以冰河时代晚期的一些生物作为他绘画的题材,比如猛犸、剑齿猫、巨型地懒以及古代鱼类(现代海洋生命的祖先)。

Seven of Knight's paintings, as well as a self-portrait, are on display in the Florida museum in a special exhibition called Charles R. Knight: Studies of Lost Worlds. 弗罗里达博物馆举办的一次名为“ 查尔斯· R ·耐特:迷失世界的作品”的 特殊展览中展出了耐特的七幅作品和他的自画像。

In California, William Stout is a modern paleo-artist who is completing 12 large murals for the San Diego Natural History Museum. 加利福尼亚的威廉 · 斯道特是个现代古生物艺术家,他正为圣地亚哥自然历史博物馆完成 12 幅大型壁画。

He was inspired by Knight's paintings, but was set on his career path at an early age when he saw a classic fantasy film that featured a gigantic ape. 耐特的作品给了他灵感,但是他是在看到一部关于巨人猿的经典科幻片后才开始他的事业的,那时候他还很年轻。