第 55 课:Paleo-Artists Depict Prehistoric Worlds for Modern Viewers

WILLIAM STOUT : It was a re-release of the original 1933 King Kong . And I think it did damage at a genetic level. [this is a joke, meaning the film had a great impact on him.] 威廉 · 斯道特:那部影片是 1933 年版《金刚》的重新发行。从基因学的角度上看我认为《金刚》做的不好。 [ 这只是个玩笑,意味着这部电影对他影响很大 ]

King Kong, with special effects created by Willis O'Brien, was one of several films inspired by the work of Charles R. Knight. The special effects pioneer Ray Harry Hansen also credits Knight as an inspiration. 《金刚》是受 查尔斯· R ·耐特作品影响的电影之一。《金刚》中的特技是 由威利斯 · 布赖恩制作的。 特技先锋雷·哈里郝森也把耐特誉为灵感之源。

Harryhausen's films include another tale of a giant ape, Mighty Joe Young , and The Beast From 20,000 Fathoms .哈里郝森还有另外两部关于巨人猿的电影,片名为《巨猩乔杨》和《原子怪兽》。

There are continuing connections between the work of paleo-artists and Hollywood. Bill Stout has designed creatures and makeup for the films Conan the Barbarian, Men in Black, Predator , Disney's Dinosaurs and many other movies. 古生物艺术家与好莱坞的联系不断。比尔 ·斯道特就曾为很多电影设计角色和结构,如《野蛮人柯南》,《 黑超特警组 》,《 终极战士 》和《迪斯尼的恐龙》等等。

He wrote a best-selling book about dinosaurs in 1981, updated in 2000 as The New Dinosaurs . He says, like Charles R. Knight, he is a communicator.1981 年,比尔 ·斯道特 出了一本关于恐龙的畅销书; 2000 年的最新版本题为《新恐龙》。他说他跟 查尔斯· R ·耐特一样是个通信员。

BILL STOUT : I see paleo-artists as conduits to the public on behalf of the scientists. They take scientific papers and scientific ideas that are pretty hard for the public to digest, put them into visual terms, and get the public very excited.比尔 ·斯道特:我觉得古生物艺术家是一个通向公众的渠道,他们代表着科学家。他们把对于很多人来说生硬难懂的科学论文和科学观点形象化了之后再传达出来,这使得公众兴奋不已。

Douglas Jones says the paintings of Charles Knight, some 100 years old; still fascinate visitors to the Florida Museum of Natural History. 道格拉斯 · 琼斯说 查尔斯·耐特的绘画虽然已是 100 年前的作品, 但仍然吸引了前往佛罗里达自然历史博物馆参观的游客。

DOUGLAS JONES : The paintings do not seem to have lost anything in terms of their interest to the public, and in a day when the kids are increasingly exposed to electronic media, it is gratifying to see how many of them will stop in front of these paintings with their mom or dad or their grandparents, and point to them and talk about the unusual creatures that they see in these paintings. So I think they still have that capacity to ignite a young person's imagination. 道格拉斯 · 琼斯:公众似乎丝毫没有丧失对这些作品的兴趣,在孩子们越来越痴迷于电子媒体的今天,他们中的很多人却仍然和爸爸妈妈,爷爷奶奶一起驻足于这些作品跟前指点画中的奇异动物,此情此景很让人觉得安慰。所以我觉得这些作品仍有能力激发年轻人的想象力。

Rhoda Knight Kalt, the artist's granddaughter, says adults get just as excited when they see her grandfather's pictures. 查尔斯·耐特的孙女 罗达 ·耐特·卡尔特说成年人看到他祖父的画时会觉得很开心。

RHODA KNIGHT KALT : It is hard to believe such creatures once inhabited the earth. And they were really here. This is not in somebody's head. They were really here. So what he did was, he brought alive a world that nobody had seen, but it actually existed. 罗达 ·耐特·卡尔特:很难相信这些生物曾经在地球上居住过。然而,这是事实。这并不是存在于某人的脑海中的,这是事实。所以,他所做的就是把一个没人看到过但确实存在过的世界给激活了。

The land that is now Florida was under water in the time of the dinosaurs, but was rich with life in the ice age, so the Knight paintings on display at the Florida museum show that more recent period, which ended about 10,000 years ago. 佛罗里达在恐龙时代曾是汪洋一片,但在冰河世纪却生机勃勃。因而在佛罗里达博物馆展出的耐特作品更多展现的是离我们比较近的时代,这个时代消失在一万年前。

Bill Stout's murals at the San Diego Natural History Museum cover millions of years of biological history. 圣地亚哥自然历史博物馆陈列的比尔 ·斯道特的壁画,囊括了数百万年的生物学历史。