第 56 课:Key Trade Ministers Fail to Achieve Breakthrough on Global Trade Deal

With six trade ministers from major economic powers in one room there was anticipation of a breakthrough for stalled talks on liberalizing global commerce. 来自主要经济强国的六位贸易部长齐聚一堂,期望能够令放宽全球贸易政策的会谈摆脱僵局,从而取得突破性进展。

When they emerged late Thursday to face reporters in a New Delhi hotel, Brazil's foreign minister Celso Amorim announced no breakthrough, but some progress. 上周四,当他们出现在新德里饭店与媒体见面时,巴西外务部长塞尔索·阿莫里姆宣布,会议没有突破性进展,但还是取得了一些进步。

CELSO AMORIM : No breakthrough reached in New Delhi - that's probably the headline tomorrow. [But] I do believe that we had, well, if not exactly a breakthrough, a big step ahead in terms of process. 塞尔索·阿莫里姆:在新德里并未取得突破,这大概可以作为明天的新闻标题。(但是)我的确相信,尽管不能算是突破,我们也在谈判进程中向前迈了一大步。

The ministers from Australia, Brazil, the European Union, India, Japan and the United States announced that they agreed to try by the end of the year to conclude the so-called Doha round of 150-member World Trade Organization talks. 来自澳大利亚、巴西、欧盟、印度、日本和美国的几位部长宣称,他们达成共识,会尽量在今年底结束世贸组织一百五十个成员国的多哈回合会谈。

U.S. trade representative Susan Schwab says top trade officials now have a sense of urgency that hopefully can be translated into action. 美国贸易代表苏珊·施瓦布称,主要的贸易官员目前都有了紧迫感,希望这种感觉能尽快转化为行动。

SUSAN SCHWAB : Unfortunately the history of the Doha Round up to this point has been the setting of artificial deadlines and the failure to meet those deadlines. 苏珊·施瓦布:很遗憾,多哈回合的历史进程已经面临原先预定的最后期限,但是,我们并未能够如期完成计划。

The United States has resisted making deeper cuts to subsidies for American farmers. That has prompted the Europeans to hold firm on protecting their farmers. 美国拒绝进一步削减提供给本国农民的补助金,这使得欧盟更坚决地维护自己农民的利益。

On the other hand, the U.S. and European Union want countries such as Brazil and India to further open their booming domestic markets to manufactured goods and agricultural imports. 另一方面,美国和欧盟希望像巴西、印度这样的国家能向制造业和农产品的进口开放市场,这些国家的国内市场非常景气。

Australia's trade minister, Warren Truss, says Washington and Brussels should not be expected to make all the concessions . 澳大利亚贸易部长沃伦·特拉斯则认为,华盛顿和布鲁塞尔方面不能指望占尽所有便宜。

WARREN TRUSS : We can't expect the Americans or the Europeans to do it all. India will have to do something. Australia will have to do something. The world will have to develop a spirit of compromise to achieve something that is very important. 沃伦·特拉斯:我们不能期望由美国人或是欧洲人来完成所有的事情。印度需要做出努力,澳大利亚也得贡献自己的力量。世界各国必须发扬一种折衷精神来实现我们的目标,这一点十分重要。

In another sign of the distance still to be traveled, India's commerce and industries minister Kamal Nath told reporters his country will not compromise the interests of millions of its subsistence farmers. 另一个迹象也表明,这个目标的达成还有很长一段路要走。印度的工商部长卡马尔·纳斯告诉记者,印度绝不会牺牲数百万农民的利益。

U.S. President Bush has special powers to negotiate a trade deal. But those so-called "fast track" powers expire June 30 unless Congress extends them. 美国总统布什对于协调一项贸易协议具有特殊权力,但是,这些被称为“快车道”的权力将在六月三十号期满,除非国会同意延期。

Some negotiators say an international agreement is needed before then in order to encourage U.S. lawmakers to extend the president's authority, which would allow him to present the Congress with a trade pact for a straight up or down vote. 部分谈判代表认为在此之前需要签订一项国际条约,以推动美国的立法者扩大总统的权限范围,令其可以向国会提交一份贸易协议,直接进入通过或否决的投票环节。