第 58 课:Pope Celebrates Easter Mass, Calls for World Peace

Speaking of the church's concerns in the world, he said, how much suffering exists with natural calamities and human tragedies that cause innumerable victims and enormous material destruction. 当谈到教会对世界的关注时,本尼迪克特说,在我们身边,发生了多少自然灾害和人为灾难,都会导致无数的无辜者受害,并带来可怕的物质毁灭。

The pope mentioned the scourge of hunger, of incurable diseases, of terrorism and kidnapping of people and of the thousand faces of violence, which some people attempt to justify in the name of religion. 他提到了饥饿、不治之症、恐怖主义、绑架,还有上千种其它形式的暴行所导致的灾祸,而一些人们试图用宗教信仰为这些暴行辩护。

The pope also turned his thoughts to the African continent. 教皇还对非洲大陆上的事件表示了关注。

Pope Benedict mentioned the catastrophic and underestimated humanitarian situation in Sudan's Darfur region. He spoke of the violence and looting in Congo, which raises fears for the democratic process and reconstruction of the country. 他提到了苏丹达尔福尔地区灾难性的人道主义危机,后果至今还难以估量;还谈到,发生在刚果的暴力事件和抢劫掠夺会严重阻碍该国的重建和民主化进程。

The pope also said that renewed fighting in Somalia has driven away the prospect of peace and cited Zimbabwe, saying the country is in the grip of a grievous crisis. 教皇还说,索马里重新燃起的战火驱走了和平的曙光,而津巴布韦则一直处于令人心痛的悲惨境况之中。

Thousands listened to the pope's words in a sun-filled Saint Peter's Square. Millions more watched him on television as he wished the world a Happy Easter in 62 different languages. 数以千计的民众在洒满阳光的圣彼得广场上亲耳聆听了教皇的讲话。上百万人守在电视机旁,看他用六十二种不同的语言恭祝复活节快乐。

Pope Benedict now heads to the papal summer residence at Castelgandolfo, in the hills south of Rome, for a few days of rest. 现在,教皇本尼迪克特正前往罗马南部的山区,到他位于卡斯特甘多夫的夏季居所稍事休息。

When he returns to the Vatican, the pope has two important dates on his calendar: his 80th birthday on April 16, and the second anniversary of his election as pope three days later. 回到梵蒂冈之后,他的日程上将有两件十分重要的事:四月十六日他的八十大寿,以及三天后他的第二个任职周年纪念。