第 61 课:Thousands of Refugees Pin Hopes on East Timor's Elections

There has been sporadic violence in the camps, some of it the result of people living in close quarters, some of it regional: people from one part of the country fighting with those from another. 难民营里偶尔会有暴力冲突,有些是因为他们住得太近的原因,有些是地区性的 —— 一个地方的人与另一个地方的人发生争执,于是便拳脚相向。

Still, the camps are situated near areas patrolled by an international security force led by Australia. The residents consider the camps safer than the capital city. 难民营都靠近以澳大利亚为首的国际维和部队巡逻区。难民营的居民认为这些营地比起首都来要安全些。

Like so many others here, Telvina is hoping Monday's presidential elections will run smoothly, and bring the stability needed to allow them to return home. 正如这里的其他人一样,泰维娜希望周一的总统大选能顺利进行,希望大选能带来国内的稳定,以保证他们能重返家园。

All of the presidential candidates have said that resettling the refugees is a top priority. However, people like Lionel da Cruz, who lost his home during last year's riots and has lived in a camp with his wife for the last year, doesn't believe them. 所有的总统候选人都说要把安置难民作为头等大事来处理。但是许多像雷奥尼·达克鲁斯这样的人对此根本就不相信,雷奥尼在去年的暴动中失去了家园而不得不和妻子搬进难民营。

Da Cruz says he fears violence will erupt again between the political parties no matter who wins the election, and this will keep him in the camp for some time to come. 达克鲁斯担心无论是谁赢得竞选,政党之间的暴力冲突都会再次发生,因此他会待在难民营里静观事态变化。

DA CRUZ : According to this situation, I'm still worried, because what I'm thinking, maybe it's getting to be a problem again, because if some of the bigger parties lose in this election, they will fight each other, and after that they talk about democratization, but the problem is already done.达克鲁斯:看现在的情况,我仍然很担心,因为我怕我所担心的事情会再一次成为未来的难题,如果一些较大的党派在竞选中失利,他们会再次互相争斗。等打完之后他们再坐下来谈民主,但那时已经是覆水难收。

Eight candidates are running for the largely ceremonial post of president. Unless one wins more than 50 percent of the vote, a run-off between the two top contenders will take place in 30 days. 有八个候选人将参选总统职位,在很大程度上,这个职位只具有象征意义。如果没有人在投票中获得百分之五十的绝对多数,那么三十天后,将由得票最多的两名竞争者进行最后的角逐。