第 64 课:Philosophy for Children 针对孩子们的哲学-1

A growing number of high schools in the United States offer some introduction-to-philosophy for college-bound students. 在美国, 越来越多的中学为即将进入大学的学生们提供一些哲学的入门课程。

However, the subject usually makes its formal entry into the curriculum at the college level. But one educational expert is calling for introducing philosophy to young students in elementary school . 然而,这类课程却是按大学标准开设的。不过,有一位教育家呼吁为小学生开设哲学入门课程。

Marietta McCarty believes that philosophy is a powerful tool that helps develop children's critical thinking and deepen their appreciation for life. And she says everyone is a philosopher. 玛丽埃塔·马克卡迪认为,哲学是一种有力的工具,它有助于培养和发展儿童的批判性思考,并且能加深他们对生活的欣赏能力。马克卡迪还说每个人都是哲学家。

MARIETTA MCCARTY : Children are already curious. They are already full of wonder, and philosophy is the art of wonder. 玛丽埃塔·马克卡迪:孩子们已经很好奇了,他们的脑子里充满了各式各样的疑问,而哲学就是一门关于疑问的艺术。

For more than 15 years, the educator has toured rural, suburban, and urban schools across the country, engaging children in philosophical discussions. 十五年以来,这位教育家奔赴全国各地的乡村,郊区和市区的学校,鼓励那里的孩子们进行哲学上的讨论。

MARIETTA MCCARTY : Simply listening to them and asking them questions and looking at the world through their eyes is the beginning. 玛丽埃塔·马克卡迪:简单地聆听他们,向他们提问,从他们的眼中看这个世界,这些就是哲学讨论的开始。

In her book, Little Big Minds , McCarty provides a guide that makes philosophy accessible and inviting to curious young minds. She introduces ancient and contemporary philosophers, including Plato, al-Ghazali, Jean-Paul Sartre. 在她的著作《小想法大智慧》中,马克卡迪提供了一个导引,她使哲学变得触手可及,并且向那些好奇的年轻人发出邀请。她向人们介绍了古代和当代的哲学家,这些哲学家包括柏拉图,阿伽扎利,萨特。

MARIETTA MCCARTY : Children love Plato's myth of the cave. They love the notion that there is this darkness of a clouded mind in a cave and you can exit the cave into the sunlight of clear ideas. They love Epicurus and his simple pleasures from ancient Greece. They like Charlotte Joko Beck's talk about simple pleasures, complementing Epicurus and having a balanced and calm life. 玛丽埃塔·马克卡迪:孩子们喜欢柏拉图的“洞穴比喻”。他们喜欢这个比喻,那是一个黑暗的洞穴里,在这个洞穴里你的头脑布满乌云,而你能够走出洞穴,走到阳光下享受清明的思维。他们热爱伊壁鸠鲁和这位哲学家在古希腊所享受的简单的快乐。他们喜欢夏洛特·乔克·贝克关于朴素快乐的理念。这个理念弥补了伊壁鸠鲁学说的不足之处,从而使人们能在平静的生活中找到平衡。

Paulo Freire from Brazil, children love him because he allows them to talk about their educational experience and how they feel in the educational system wherever they may be. Mary Wollstonecraft teaches children that they can do anything. They really enjoy Lao Tzu's look at the natural world. And Martin Luther King, Jr. remains a favorite. His emphasis on non-violence is very soothing to children. 孩子们喜欢来自巴西的保罗·弗莱雷,因为弗莱雷允许他们谈论自己的教育经历以及他们在任何地方对教育系统所体会到的感受。玛丽·沃斯通克拉夫特告诉孩子们,他们可以做任何事情。他们真的陶醉于老子眼中的自然世界,同时也喜欢马丁·路德·金。对孩子们来说,他对于非暴力的强调是非常令人宽慰的。

By asking questions, McCarty says, adults can engage children in discussions of philosophical topics related to their everyday life, from friendship, happiness and responsibility to justice, death and God. 马克卡迪认为,通过提问题,我们可以让孩子参与到与他们的日常生活相关的哲学主题上来,比如友谊,幸福和正义感,死亡和上帝。