第 66 课:Former Bush Strategist Splits With President 布什总统前战略顾问倒戈相见-1
Matthew Dowd took his complaints to the New York Times . 马修·多德在接受《纽约时报》专访时表达了自己的不满。
In a story that appears on the front page of Sunday's edition, he describes the president as isolated , and details a loss of faith in George Bush and his policies. 在周日特刊的封面故事里,多德说总统现在众叛亲离,他还详细阐述了自己对乔治·布什及其政策失去信心的原因。
Dowd is considered one of the chief strategists behind the president's 2004 re-election victory over Democrat John Kerry. 多德被认为是布什在 2004 年总统竞选的智囊团中重要成员之一,在这一年的竞选中,布什打败了民主党候选人约翰·克里,连任总统。
But he told the Times he now thinks the Massachusetts senator was right in calling for a withdrawal from Iraq. 但这一次多德却告诉时报记者现在他认为马萨诸塞州参议员要求从伊拉克撤军的做法是正确的。
The White House response to his comment was relatively low key. During an appearance on the CBS television program Face the Nation , Dan Barlett, one of the president's top advisors, described Dowd as an old friend. 白宫方面对多德的言论做出的反应相对低调。总统首席顾问之一丹·巴莱特应邀参加哥伦比亚广播公司的“面向全国”节目时,称多德是自己的老朋友。
Bartlett said Dowd is on - what he called - "a long personal journey" and is seeking answers at a trying time in his life when his soldier-son is headed to war. 巴莱特说多德的言论是在“发泄个人感情”,因为他当兵的儿子将被送往战场,他内心备受折磨,于是才会有这番发表。
DAN BARLETT : He himself has acknowledged that he is going through a lot of personal turmoil , but also he has a son who is soon to be deployed to Iraq. That can only impact a parent's mind as they think through these issues. 丹·巴莱特:他自己也知道最近情绪波动地比较厉害,同时也因为他的儿子将被派往伊拉克。在面对这些问题时,为人父母的情感左右了他的判断。
Bartlett said in a way, Dowd is personifying the national debate about Iraq. 巴莱特认为在某种程度上, 多德的处境集中体现了民众对于伊拉克问题的矛盾态度。