第 68 课:French Presidential Election Heats Up 法国总统大选升温

The 12 candidates in this race have been campaigning for months, but Monday, they started the final, "official" part of the campaign. 法国总统大选的十二位候选人已经进行了几个月的角逐,而在周一,他们将进入最终的、“最官方的”竞选环节。

Workers put up campaign posters - one million in all - in front of 85,000 polling stations across France. Under strict rules that require that everyone gets equal time at the same time of day, the candidates started broadcasting their recorded campaign messages on national television and radio. 工作人员在法国八万五千个投票点前面树起了竞选展板,总共一百万块。在严格的规则下,候选人将同时利用同等长度的时间在电视和收音机上播放他们的竞选宣言。

Nicolas Sarkozy, the conservative candidate who recently left his job as Interior Minister, is hoping to cement his reputation as a decisive politician. "I want to be President, first of all to take action", he says. "Action is the passion of my life. For 25 years, you have been told that nothing can be done, but fate is not part of my vocabulary." 保守党候选人尼古拉斯·萨尔科奇,最近才离开了内务部长的岗位,他希望能够进一步深化自己那果断的政治家形象。他说:“我想要成为总统,首先就是付诸行动。行动是我生命的动力。二十五年来,人们说你什么都不能做,但是我的词典里并没有认命这个词汇。”

In her ads, the Socialist party candidate Segolene Royal plays on a maternal theme in a country that needs some looking after. "You already know me", she said. "I am a mother of four children; I have my feet on the ground. I have a sense of the concrete , and you know I want to achieve concrete results." 面对这个需要一些悉心照料的国家,社会党候选人 塞格 琳· 罗亚尔在自己的竞选宣言中强调了母性的主题。她说:“你们都了解我,我是四个孩子的母亲,一个脚踏实地的人。我更加关注具体的事情,而你们知道我想要得到的是一个具体的结果。”

These last two weeks of campaigning will be crucial for the frontrunners. The latest polls show that 42 percent of French voters are still undecided. 竞选的最后两周对于领先者至关重要。最新的民意测验表明,还有百分之四十二的法国选民没有决定把票投给谁。

Sarkozy is leading in the polls, and Royal is in second place. But with so many undecided votes, analysts say that another candidate could easily bump either Sarkozy or Royal to make it to the second round of voting. 目前萨尔科奇得票数最高,罗亚尔紧随其后。但是由于有太多的未决定票,分析家称,极有可能会有另一名候选人冲击此二人的地位,从而将大选拉入第二轮角逐。

Francois Bayrou, a horse farmer and historian has made it to third place by proposing a coalition of the left and right-wing political parties. 弗朗索瓦·贝鲁,一位牧场主和历史学家,由于提出了建立左翼和右翼政党联盟的提议而在投票中位居第三。

Jean-Marie Le Pen, the leader of the far-right National Front party who surprised everyone by making to the second round of voting in the last election, has also been picking up support in the past few weeks.让-玛丽·勒庞,极右翼民族前线党的领袖,在第二轮选举中令人大跌眼镜地名落孙山,在过去的几周里也获得了更高的支持率。