第 70 课:White House Rolls Out Pomp and Pageantry for Queen's State Visit

They rolled out the red carpet at the White House for the Queen. 为了恭候女王的驾临,白宫铺上了红地毯。

Bands played, military units stood at attention, and 7,000 people filled the White House south lawn - all part of the pageantry surrounding the arrival of the British monarch. 乐队奏乐 , 仪仗队立正, 7000 名宾客齐集白宫南面的草坪。迎接英国女王的仪式庄重华丽。

President Bush is a leader known for his love of informal gatherings. But on this day, there was nothing but formality - from the strict protocol of the arrival ceremony with its 21-gun salute, to a white-tie state dinner. 布什总统向来以不拘小节而著称于世。但在这一天 , 从 21 响礼炮到国宴上的小领结,这位总统处处都表现得得体识礼。

PRESIDENT BUSH : Your majesty, the United States receives with honor the sovereign of the United Kingdom. 布什总统:女王陛下,您的光临让美国人民感到非常荣幸。

On a morning of blue skies and soft breezes, the president and the Queen stood together before the flags of their two countries - a symbol of the ongoing relationship between the United States and Great Britain. President Bush spoke of the Queen's compassion and commitment during their joint struggle against terrorism and extremism in the Middle East. 在这样一个微风拂面,天气晴朗的早晨,总统与女王陛下一同站在两个国家的国旗下 —— 这一幕象征了两国关系的现状。布什总统谈及女王在美英两国共同反对中东恐怖主义和极端主义的斗争上所给予的理解和承诺。

PRESIDENT BUSH : I appreciate your leadership during these times of danger and decision. You have spoken out against extremism and terror. You have encouraged religious tolerance and reconciliation . You have honored those returning from battle, and comforted the families of the fallen. 布什总统:我非常钦佩您在危险时刻所体现出来的领导能力和您做出的决定。您曾呼吁反对恐怖主义和极端主义。您倡导宗教宽容与和解。您曾给战场归来的士兵以荣誉,给失去亲人的家庭以安慰。

But despite the reference to the war, the day provided a brief respite from the trials of a conflict half a world away. All eyes were on the 81-year-old British monarch who spoke in stately, even tones. 尽管话题涉及到战争,但是当天还是回避了对于这场战争的对错问题的判断。所有人的目光都集中在这位 81 岁高龄的英国君主身上。她言辞庄重,甚至连音调也是这样。

QUEEN ELIZABETH : In Washington, we have a further opportunity to acknowledge the present strength of our relationship. I shall enjoy not only renewing old acquaintances and making new ones, but also recognizing the breadth and depth of the friendship we have shared for so long. 伊丽莎白女王:在华盛顿,我们有机会进一步展现目前良好的两国关系。我不仅愿意巩固并发展我们的关系 , 同时也认可长期以来两国之间深厚的友谊。

Washington is the last stop on a six-day visit to the United States by Queen Elizabeth and her husband, Prince Phillip. They began their trip in the nearby state of Virginia, where they visited Jamestown, which is marking its 400th anniversary of its founding as the first permanent English settlement in the Americas. 华盛顿是伊丽莎白女王和她丈夫菲利普亲王为期六天美国之行的最后一站。他们首先访问的是邻近的弗吉尼亚州 , 在那里参观了詹姆斯敦。作为英国人在美洲的第一个永久殖民地,詹姆斯敦正在举办建城 400 周年庆典。