第 8 课:Japanese mothers

An increasing number of Japanese women today work even after getting married. And even after having b baby, it's likely that the mother will leave the baby at a childcare center in order to keep on working. It's also becoming more common for mothers to go back to work when their children get older. 越来越多的日本妇女即使结婚以后仍然工作。生完孩子以后把孩子送到托儿所,自己继续上班的母亲也有很多。还有一些母亲在孩子长大一点儿以后就重新出去找工作。

But others still stay at home to take care of their children. In Japan, mothers are expected to raise their children by themselves: it is not common to hire house workers and babysitters. 但是仍然有很多人认为母亲应该待在家里,专心带孩子。日本社会认为母亲就应该负责带孩子。雇保姆和临时保姆的情况并不多见。

In some cases, mothers leave their children to their own mothers and go to work. Other mothers are so busy and can't ask a grandmother for help that they become exhausted.有时,母亲会把自己的孩子托给自己的母亲照顾,而自己出去工作。也有一些母亲无法依赖自己的母亲,自己又非常忙,所以过得很辛苦。

Mothers learn how to raise their children by reading books after getting married, but more than a few become distressed when things don't go well. 母亲在结婚以后就开始看育儿书,学习养孩子的方法,但是仍有很多母亲因为带孩子不顺手而烦恼。