第 16 课: Have a good day! 祝你有愉快的一天。

Fredo: Jill, does a yellow ribbon look good on this wedding bouquet? 吉儿,这束新娘捧花配上黄色缎带好看吗?

Jill: Yes, but maybe you should add some blue lace. 好看,但是你应该再加些蓝色的蕾丝。

Fredo: Oh, yeah, ...something borrowed, something blue. 喔,对,‘……一些借的,一点蓝的。’

Jill: And some gold beads would bring out the colors of the lilies and gardenias. 然后金的小珠珠可以衬托出百合跟槴子花的颜色。

Fredo: But those are real gold beads, so we need to increase the price of the bouquet. 但是这些珠珠是纯金的,所以我们得把捧花的价钱提高。

Jill: [Laughing] Hey, throw the bouquet over your shoulder. I want to practice catching it. (笑)嘿,把捧花从你肩膀往后丢。我想练习接捧花。

Fredo: [From the walk-in refrigerator] We need to sell these daisies. They're getting a little droopy. (在冰柜里)我们必须把这些雏菊卖了。它们已经有点枯萎了。

Jill: Maybe we can trim an inch off the bottom and put them in fresh water. 也许我们可以把底部剪掉一吋,把它们放在新鲜的水里。

Fredo: Or we can add a vitamin solution to their water. 或者我们加一点营养剂在水里。

Jill: That'll work, too. Don't you need to go deliver flowers? 那也行。你不用去送花吗?

Fredo: Oh, yeah. If I don't go now, it'll take until next Lovers Day to deliver them all. 喔,对。如果我现在不去,那要到下一个情人节时才送得完了。

Jill: Get a move on it. You've got some people to please! 动作快一点。你得去让别人开心了!

Fredo: Happy Lover's Day! Special delivery from Johnnie. 情人节快乐!来自强尼的特别快递。

Lily: Oh, he's so sweet. I thought he'd forget. 喔,他真是贴心。我以为他忘记了。

Fredo: Have a good day! 祝你有愉快的一天。

Lily: These irises are gorgeous! Wait a minute! My name is Lily. Why didn't he send me lilies? [looks at card] Who's Iris? Johnnie, you're dead meat. 这些鸢尾花真美!等等!我叫莉莉。为什么他不送我百合?(看看卡片)谁是艾丽斯?强尼,你死定了。

Fredo: [Leaving in a rush] Uh-oh! Now tomorrow will be Ex-Lovers Day for sure! (匆忙离开)糟了!可以确定明天会变‘前任’情人节了!