第 22 课: I should have known that? 我该知道这样的说法吗?

Ethan: Well, at least you're having an American experience. At the International House, sometimes I feel like I'm not in America at all. 嗯,至少你有了美国经验。在国际学舍,有时我觉得自己根本不是在美国。

Sean: How's that? 怎么说?

Ethan: Well, like, this afternoon the Brazilians are going to teach Rena and I how to dance the samba. 好比说,今天下午一群巴西人要教我跟蕾娜跳桑巴舞。

Sean: I'm so sorry. I know you'd rather shop for hot dogs and toilet paper. 我很遗憾。我知道你比较想去瞎拼热狗和卫生纸。

Ethan: Another example is last night. Hideki was teaching my roommate Jaroslav to curse in Japanese. 另外一个例子是昨晚。秀树在教我的室友亚拉斯夫怎么用日语骂人。

Elain: Why am I always waiting? If I'm late for work, the boss will be really ticked off! [there's an open gas pump for Elaine] 为什么我总是得等?如果我上班迟到,老板肯定会气死!(轮到伊莲到加油机前加油)

A1: How much would you like, ma'am? 小姐,请问你要加多少钱的油?

Elain: Fill'er up, ASAP! I'm late, and my car's low on gas. 加满,越快越好!我迟到了,而且我的车子快没油了!

A1: Sure, ma'am. But where's your gas cap? 好的,小姐。但你的油箱盖在哪?

Elain: Don't YOU know? You're the gas pumper! 你不知道?你是加油工耶!

A1: Lady, the PC term is petroleum chemical engineer, thank you. 小姐,请用不歧视的措词:石化工程师,谢谢。

Elain: I should have known that? 我该知道这样的说法吗?

A1: Uh-huh...I see your gas cap is on the passenger's side, but the hose can't reach over that far. 哎呀呀……我看到你的油箱盖在乘客座位那头,但这加油管没办法弄过去那么远。

Elain: Well, well, make it reach! 那,那么,就让它弄得过去啊!

A1: I'm sorry, but you'll have to drive to another pump. 抱歉,你必须开到另一台加油机去。

Elain: But I'll lose my spot! And look at that line over there! Can I cut in front? I was here first. 但这样我的位子就没了!你看那排的队伍!我可以插到前面吗?我比他们早到。

A1: It's out of my control. Remember, I'm only a "gas pumper." 这我没办法。还记得吧,我只是个‘加油工’而已。

Elain: Oh, I should've gotten gas yesterday. I'm going to be late again. 喔,我昨天就该加油的。我又要迟到了。