第 25 课: Fancy seeing you here. 没想到会在这儿碰到妳。

HB: Fancy seeing you here. 没想到会在这儿碰到妳。

Leah: Finish your guide, Introduction to Hardcore? 你那本《完全旅游手册》写完没?

HB: I will after I finish what we REAL travelers call an adventure trip. I'm going solo into the Thai jungle. 等我完成我们货真价实的旅行家所谓的探险之旅,我就会完成那本书。我要单枪匹马进入泰国丛林。

Leah: The jungle? Scary. Aren't you worried about snakes, spiders, wild animals? 丛林?真吓人。你难道不担心蛇啊、蜘蛛啊、野生动物吗?

HB: Rookie. Only a lightweight worries about such things. 菜鸟。只有菜鸟会担心这种事。

Leah: Uh, yeah. So you've gone hiking in foreign jungles before? 是喔。那你去陌生丛林走过啰?

HB: No, but I've seen a lot on the Discovery Channel, and I'm a natural traveler. Gotta go. Have fun in "touristville"! 没有,但我在发现频道看多了,加上我天生就是个旅行家。先走一步。在观光区里好好玩儿啊!

Leah: Ooh, that guy really gets under my skin! 喔,那家伙真是让我不爽!

Stefan: Chill, Leah. We've met weirdos from all over the world. 别激动,莉雅。我们已经看遍全世界的怪胎了。

Leah: If we only meet lost causes when we travel, then why bother? 若我们旅行一路上净是碰上无药可救的人,那我们干嘛这么辛苦?

Stefan: We've got to take the good with the bad. We've met some really interesting people, too. 我们尝甜头也得担坏处。我们也碰到过不少有趣的人啊。

Leah: True. And e-mail lets us keep in touch with them. 这倒是。而且电子邮件让我们可以跟他们保持联络。

Stefan: So that we can go and visit them some day, of course. 有朝一日我们当然也就可以去找他们玩了。