第 26 课: I have a date. 我有约会。

Leah: Another hostel? Let's make a decision. I think I've got heatstroke. 再换一家看?我们做个决定吧。我觉得我已经中暑了。

Stefan: Hang in there. It always takes a few tries to find a good place. 撑着点。总要试几次才能找到好地方。

Leah: I think the first place was held together by cockroaches. 我们找的第一家旅馆主结构根本是蟑螂。

Stefan: Ugh. And the second one had this brown goo coming out of the tap. 呃。而第二间的水龙头会跑咖啡色的泥水出来。

Leah: Gross! Let's not even mention the others. I want to be able to eat later. 恶心!更别说其它的了。我希望待会儿还能吃得下。

Stefan: I'm going in. Wish me luck! 我要进去了。祝我好运吧!

Billy: Why are you so dressed up? 你干嘛如此盛装打扮?

Jennifer: I have a date. 我有约会。

Billy: Are you serious? There's a guy that would date you? 你说真的吗?有人愿意约你?

Jennifer: There are lots. And with these kissable lips, there are bound to be even more! 多的是呢。而且有这亲亲诱人的嘴唇,铁定还会有更多呢!

Billy: What makes your lips any more kissable than anyone else's? 是什么使人家这么想亲你的嘴而不亲别人的?

Jennifer: Take a closer look. 靠近点儿看。

Billy: You put glitter in your lip gloss? 你在唇彩里加了亮粉?