第 27 课: Well, I think it's silly. 唉,我觉得这真笨。

Jennifer: No. It's shimmering lip gloss. 不。这是炫亮唇彩。

Billy: Who ever heard of sparkling lips? 谁听过闪亮的嘴唇了?

Jennifer: The glittery look is in this year. Glittery eye shadow, powder... 炫亮彩妆是今年的流行。炫亮眼影、蜜粉……

Billy: Well, I think it's silly. 唉,我觉得这真笨。

Jennifer: You just don't realize the power of sparkle. It's mesmerizing. 你就是不懂闪耀的魔力。它会蛊惑人心。

Billy: I wouldn't have noticed it if you hadn't said anything. 你不说我也不会注意到。

Jennifer: Give me a break. You've noticed how shiny and moist my lips look. 拜托。你看到我的嘴如此的温润有光泽。

Billy: Well, they do catch the light. 嗯,它们的确是会反光。

Jennifer: I bet you've secretly wishing you could kiss me... 我敢说其实你心底很想亲我……

Billy: Oh! Come on! That's sick. 噢!别闹了!恶心。

Jennifer: Look! Your mouth is watering! Come on, baby! [kisses him on the cheek] 看!你已经在流口水了!来嘛,宝贝!(亲他的脸颊)

Billy: That's not funny, Jen. Now I've got glitter on my face... 阿花,这不好玩。现在我的脸也有亮粉了……

Jennifer: Oh, you loved it... 喔,你挺喜欢的嘛……