第 31 课: A waste of money? 浪费钱?

Jennifer: Yes! He told me that I had been exposed to noise pollution. 对!他跟我说我一直暴露在噪音污染下。

Billy: So you're wearing ear muffs? 所以你才戴着这个耳罩?

Jennifer: They're ear protectors. They buffer out almost all damaging sounds. 它们是耳朵护法。它们几乎隔绝了全部有害的声音。

Billy: Why don't you just wear ear plugs? 你何不戴耳塞就好了?

Jennifer: I have those, too. Cordless ones. You can have them! 我也有。无线的。你可以用这个!

Billy: Uh, thanks. So what's up with the construction hat? 嗯,谢了。那这工人帽又是怎么回事?

Jennifer: Didn't you hear the news? People are predicting an earthquake! Today! 你都没听新闻吗?他们预测会有地震!今天!

Akibo: I can't believe how many cars are for sale--six pages of classifieds. Where do I start? 真不敢相信有这么多车要卖——六页的分类广告。我要从哪开始找啊?

Lisa: Narrow down your search. Were you planning to buy a new car, or a used one? 先缩小范围。你打算买新车还是二手的?

Akibo: Maybe new, to be safe. 新车吧,为了安全起见。

Lisa: Personally, I think buying a new car is a waste of money. 我个人觉得买新车是浪费钱。

Akibo: A waste of money? 浪费钱?

Lisa: As soon as you drive it home, it loses a lot of its value. 车子只要一开回家,就已经折旧了很多。