第 35 课: Are you saying I'm fat? 你是指我过重吗?

Doctor: No need for alarm. Has your weight been stable? 不需要紧张。你的体重都很稳定吗?

Patty: Are you saying I'm fat? 你是指我过重吗?

Doctor: No, but a thyroid problem would also mean your weight may go up and down. 不是,但是甲状腺失调表示你的体重可能会起伏不定。

Patty: Yes! It changes every month! That must be it! 没错!它每个月都改变!一定是那样!

Doctor: Well, I'll need you to go to the nurse. She will take your blood, and you'll be asked to give a urine sample. Then come back next Tuesday for the results. 呃,我要请你去找护士。她会帮你验血,也会要你的尿液样本。下周二再来看结果。

Jennifer: What's that little thing? 那个小玩意是什么?

Billy: That's my travel-sized nail clipper set. 那是我的旅游指甲剪组。

Jennifer: You mean you actually groom yourself? 你是说你真的会整理仪容喔?

Billy: Of course! Personal hygiene is of utmost importance to me! 当然!个人卫生对我来说是最最重要的!

Jennifer: Can I have a look? 我可以看一下吗?

Billy: Be my guest. It's made of stainless steel... 慢慢看。它是不锈钢制……

Jennifer: What do you need the tweezers for? 你要这夹子干嘛?

Billy: To pluck my eyebrows. 拔眉毛。

Jennifer: But they don't look plucked. 但是它们看起来不像被拔过。

Billy: You should have seen them before... 妳该看看它们之前的样子……

Jennifer: And what are these scissors for? 还有这剪刀是干嘛的?

Billy: Trimming my nose hairs. 修鼻毛。