第 37 课: Yep. I always know. 对。我就是知道。

Billy: Yep. I always know. 对。我就是知道。

Jennifer: Well, starting next month, you won't be able to tell anymore! 嗯,从下个月起,你就再也看不出来了!

Billy: Why? You're going through menopause already? 为什么?你已经到更年期了吗?

Jennifer: Yeah, right. I found the perfect solution for clear skin. 才怪。我找到洁净肌肤的好办法。

Billy: In that green bottle? Don't think so! 就在那绿瓶子里?不会吧!

Jennifer: I heard that it really fights acne. It's all-natural and non-irritating. 我听说那真的可以治疗粉刺。它是完全天然且不具刺激性的。

Billy: Does it have like some special herbs in it? 它含有什么特殊的药草吗?

Jennifer: Yeah, chamomile and thyme. 有的,甘菊和麝香草。

Billy: Great. I'll drink it if I run out of tea. 帅呀。如果我的茶没了,我就可以喝这个。

Jennifer: My friend Sammi used to be a total zit face, but now she's got great skin. 我的朋友莎咪以前满脸豆花,但是她现在皮肤很好。

Billy: Great. So you've found something for your skin. Now what can you do about your PMS? 帅呀。已经有方法对付你的皮肤。现在要怎么处理你的经前征候群呀?

Jennifer: Just treat me to ice cream, and I'll be much better... 就请我吃冰淇淋吧,我会好过许多……