第 4 课: It’ll help me loosen up. 这有助于我们放松。

Steve: Are you ready for the big competition today, Todd? The winner gets two tickets to the Sydney Olympics! 你准备好今天的大竞赛了吗,托德?赢家可以得到两张去看悉尼奥运的票!

Todd: Steve, I was born ready! I’m going to blow you guys off the treadmill today. 史提,我打一出生就准备好了!我今天要把你们全都轰下跑步机。

Steve: We’ve still got a lot of time before we have to start running. 我们在开跑之前还有很多时间。

Todd: Let’s hit the whirlpool for a bit. It’ll help me loosen up. 我们先去按摩池小泡一下。这有助于我们放松。

Steve: You bet. I used to take a whirlpool almost every night back home. 没错。我以前在老家几乎每夜都会泡按摩池。

Todd: Hey, look! They’re playing reruns of the 1996 Olympics. 嘿,你看!他们在回放一九九六年的奥运。

Steve: Isn’t that Michael Johnson? I think he set a world record in this race. 那不是麦克强森吗?我记得他在这一回合创下了世界纪录。

Todd: He completed the first 200 / 400 double in Olympic history! 他独得两百、四百双料冠军,改写了奥运历史。

Steve: Are you sure? What about Carl Lewis? He won four golds, didn’t he? 你确定吗?那卡尔刘易士呢?他赢过四面金牌,不是吗?

Todd: Carl won the gold in the 100, 200, long jump, and 4x100 relay in 1984. 卡尔在一九八四年奥运,拿下了一百、两百、跳远还有四百接力。

Steve: I like the way Carl runs. He looks more graceful. 我喜欢卡尔跑步的样子。他看起来比较优雅。

Todd: Michael Johnson doesn’t look graceful, but he sure is powerful. 麦克强森看起来是不优雅,不过他爆发力十足。

Steve: If I were on as many steroids as he was, I think I’d be powerful, too. 若我使用跟他一样多的类固醇,我想我也会很有爆发力的。

Todd: What are you talking about?! He’s passed every drug test he’s taken! 你在说什么?!他每次都有通过药检!

Steve: Those drug tests don’t mean anything! He probably took some other drugs to mask the steroids. 那些药检没半点意义!他八成吃了其它的药来掩饰类固醇。

Todd: Just because Ben Johnson was juiced up doesn’t mean all athletes are. 只因为班琼森被检验出有用禁药,并不代表所有的运动员都是这样。

Steve: OK, OK. I’m feeling a little dehydrated. Let’s get something to drink. 好吧,好吧。我觉得有点脱水了。我们去喝点东西。