第 45 课: Consider yourself lucky, ma'am. 看你运气多好,小姐。

Elaine: Hmm, I do like deals... 嗯,我就爱讲价……

Cheech: OK, OK. If you buy three jackets, I'll knock 200NT off the total. 好,好。如果你买三件,我总价便宜你两百。

Elaine: I don't know. It's just so much money. 我不晓得耶。这么贵。

Cheech: Miss, just think of how you will look! Prada on Monday, CK on Tuesday... 小姐,想想你看起来会怎样。星期一穿Prada,星期二穿CK夹克……

Elaine: Maybe I could afford it... 或许我买得起……

Cheech: All right, because I like you! I'll give you all four for 3,500NT!! 好吧,因为看你看得顺眼,我四件夹克算你三千五!!

Elaine: Oh, my gosh! I wasn't expecting to buy FOUR jackets, but... 老天!我没打算要买四件夹克,可是……

Cheech: Consider yourself lucky, ma'am. 看你运气多好,小姐。

Crystal: I'm so hungry! I haven't eaten all day! 我好饿!我整天都没吃东西!

Denise: Take your mind off it. Look, Crys. This magazine is on top ten beauties! 别想了。你看,克莉丝。这杂志的内容是顶尖十大美女!

Crystal: They're all so thin! Her cheekbones are great. 她们都好瘦!她的颧骨好美。

Denise: She doesn't have an ounce of fat on her face. 她的脸上连一两赘肉都没有。

Crystal: The mag says she's 165 centimeters tall and 38 kilos. If only we could be that thin, then... 杂志说她一百六十五公分高,三十八公斤重。如果我们可以跟她一样瘦,那就…