第 49 课: How many meals do you eat a day ? 你一天吃几餐?

Crystal: No wonder her hips look like that. 难怪她屁股看起来那样。

Denise: I can't remember my last salmon steak. I bet it's covered in butter. 我不记得上次吃鲑鱼排是什么时候。我敢说它一定裹着一层奶油。

Crystal: She's putting sugar in her coffee. Oh, my god. She's getting dessert, too! 她正把糖加进咖啡里。喔,我的天。她还点了甜点!

Denise: Mmh, cheesecake. I'd have to starve myself for a week after eating that. 嗯,起司蛋糕。吃了那片蛋糕我得饿一个星期才行。

Crystal: It's a wonder she hasn't blown up like a whale. 她没肿成跟鲸鱼一样真是个奇迹。

Denise: Shh...she's coming over here. [to Amanda] Hi, Amanda! You look great! 嘘……她过来了。(对着阿曼达)嗨,阿曼达!你气色真好!

Amanda: Thanks. Are you ladies enjoying your meal? 谢谢。你们的餐点好吃吗?

Denise: Not as much as you did. Where do you put all that food? 才比不上你呢。你怎么吃得下这么多?

Amanda: [Laughing] Oh, did you see my meal? (笑)哦,你看到我的餐?

Denise: How many meals do you eat a day ? 你一天吃几餐?

Amanda: Just three. Got to have energy for exercising later. 就三餐。想运动总得要有力气。

Denise: Aren't you afraid of gaining weight? 你不怕变胖吗?

Amanda: Nah, I exercise so I can eat what I want. 不会,我运动,所以我随心所欲地吃。

Denise: But don't you think you'd look better if you shed a few pounds? 但你不觉得如果你少个几磅,看起来会更美?

Amanda: And look like one of those girls on TV? Spare me! 就像是电视上那些女孩?饶了我吧!

Denise: What's wrong with the girls on TV? 电视上那些女孩有什么不好?

Amanda: They're sticks! I couldn't be that thin in this lifetime. 她们是竹竿!我这辈子不可能变这么瘦。