第 55 课: Sounds like a big hassle. 听起来很伤脑筋。

Gustavo: So, Jim, how has everything been with you? 吉姆,最近如何啊?

Jim: My stocks are losing a little bit, but it's nothing too serious. 我的股票赔了一点,但是不太严重。

Gustavo: Of course! Stocks, stocks, stocks...some things never change! 当然!股票,股票,股票……狗改不了吃屎!

Jim: Yeah. How have you been? 对啊。你过得如何?

Gustavo: Good, except for all the counterfeit money my software business has been receiving lately. 还不错,如果不谈最近卖计算机软件收到伪钞的话。

Jim: Really? It's that big of a problem? 真的?问题严重吗?

Gustavo: Yeah. So I had to invest in one of those machines that can detect fake bills. 嗯。所以我得去买一台那种可以测出伪钞的机器。

Jim: Why didn't you just buy one of those little things with a red light beam? 怎么不干脆买一支小小带有红光的东西呢?

Gustavo: Those red beams can't sniff out the high-quality fakes. 那些红光没办法侦测出制作精良的伪钞。

Jim: Sounds like a big hassle. 听起来很伤脑筋。

Gustavo: It's a drain on small businesses—real sore spot. 小本经营碰上金钱损失——实在很伤。

Jim: Speaking of losing money, have you heard from Will lately? 说到赔钱,最近有没有听到威尔的消息啊?

Gustavo: Not a peep. I haven't seen him since we stopped playing soccer together. 一点消息都没有。从我们不一起踢足球开始,就没看过他了。

Jim: Same with me. I know his stocks took a hit, though. 我也是。不过我知道他的股票跌得很惨。

Gustavo: Is it happening all over again—you know, Will, losing money? 你觉得会重蹈覆辙吗——你知道的,威尔,赔钱?

Jim: Well, I told him to invest in the TAIEX when it was above fifty-five hundred points. 呃,台股还在五千五百点以上的时候,我告诉他要杀进。

Gustavo: Over five thousand? Now it's hovering around four! 超过五千点?现在指数在四千点徘徊呢!

Jim: Yeah, that's what worries me...for Will's sake. 对啊,那就是我在担心的……担心威尔