第 58 课: There's a club for that? 还有这样的俱乐部啊?

Gustavo: You'll never guess what happened! 你绝对猜不到发生了什么事!

Jim: What? Tell me! 什么事?跟我说!

Gustavo: You know how I'm looking for a new home? 你知道我一直在找新房子吗?

Jim: Yeah. You said the housing market is thirty to forty percent lower than two years ago. 知道。你说房市比起两年前,价钱低了三到四成。

Gustavo: Right. Well, the real estate agent took me to see Will's old place! 对。呃,房屋中介带我去看威尔以前住的地方!

Jim: Wow! He's really hit rock bottom! 哇!他真的已经穷途末路了!

Gustavo: Yeah. It was almost creepy to see Will's pad up for sale! 是啊。看到威尔的房子等着拍卖实在是让人心里发毛!

Jim: Oh. Something else a friend of Will's told me... 喔。一个威尔的朋友还告诉我……

Gustavo: What's that? 怎么样?

Jim: The banks are leaning hard on Will to return some unpaid loans. 银行逼着威尔缴一些未付清的贷款。

Gustavo: Maybe he left the city—or the country—to escape all this pressure. 或许他已经离开这里——甚至潜逃出境——来逃脱所有压力。

Jim: I would too if I had collection agencies breathing down my neck! 如果讨债公司死缠着我,我也会这样做!

Gustavo: I think we may have caught a break in finding Will! 我想我们或许交了好运能找到威尔!

Jim: What do you mean? 什么意思?

Gustavo: I saw a flyer for the Failed Shareholders Social Club. 我看到一张失意股东俱乐部的传单。

Jim: There's a club for that? 还有这样的俱乐部啊?

Gustavo: Oh yeah. The unlucky investors hang out together and drown their sorrows in a few drinks. 有喔。一些歹运的投资人聚在一起藉酒浇愁。

Jim: Why the heck would people join... 怎么会有人要加入……