第 61 课: Do you like Thai food? 你喜欢泰国菜吗?

Stephen: Um, hi. This is Stephen. We met last weekend at Alyson's party.... 嗯,嗨。我是史帝芬。我们上周在爱莉森的派对见过面……

Dana: Oh, yeah. I remember. You're the guy with the tattoo. 喔,对啊。我还记得。你就是那个有刺青的人。

Stephen: That's me. I have two tickets to a jazz concert this Saturday. Would you like to go? 就是我。我有两张这个星期六爵士音乐会的票。你想去吗?

Dana: This Saturday? Yes, I'm free. 这个星期六?好啊,我有空。

Stephen: Great. I'll meet you for dinner first. 太好了。我们先一起吃晚餐再去。

Stephen: Do you like Thai food? 你喜欢泰国菜吗?

Dana: I love it. Alyson and I went to Thailand last year. We work together. So, how do you know her? 我爱死了。爱莉森跟我去年还去了泰国。我们是同事。那你是怎么认识她的?

Stephen: I don't. My friend Kevin just invited me to tag along. 我不认识。我朋友凯文邀我跟着去。

Dana: Do you two work together? 你们一起工作吗?

Stephen: Kevin and I? Oh, no. We're high school buddies. 我跟凯文?喔,没有。我们是高中死党。

Dana: Hadn't we better get going? 我们是不是该出发了?

Stephen: You're right. 说得对。