第 64 课: This is such a nice fall day. 真是天凉好个秋啊。

Dana: This is such a nice fall day. 真是天凉好个秋啊。

Stephen: Enjoying it with you makes it even better. 跟你在一起感觉更棒。

Dana: You're so sweet. 你嘴真甜。

Stephen: So how about coming home with me for Christmas? 跟我一起回家过圣诞怎么样?

Dana: Um...I don't know. That's kind of a big step.... 嗯……我不知道。那可是一大步耶……。

Stephen: But I've already told my family all about you. They're dying to meet you. 但我已经把你的事都跟家人说了。他们迫不及待想见你。

Dana: Well, OK. 嗯,好吧。

Mom: Honey, help me with the dishes so I can watch my show. 亲爱的,帮我洗盘子,这样我才来得及看我的节目。

Dad: OK, OK. But you're only watching one hour, right? 好啦,好啦。但是你只看一小时是吧?

Mom: No, my must-see TV is two hours, Darling. I told you that. 不,我非看不可的电视有两个小时,亲爱的。我告诉过你了。

Dad: But Larry King is interviewing Armstrong about the Tour de France. That's more important than Sex and the City. 但是赖瑞金要访问阿姆斯特朗有关环法自由车赛的事。那比《欲望城市》重要多了。

Mom: Well, you can watch your show in the game room. 嗯,你可以到游戏间去看你的节目。

Dad: The kids will be watching tonight. It's Thursday. 孩子们今晚也要看电视。今天是星期四。