第 66 课: Don't try that with me. 别跟我来这套。

Mom: Honey, you'll let me watch my show, right? I'll make it worth your while. 亲爱的,你会让我看我的节目对吧?我会好好报答你的。

Dad: Don't try that with me. It doesn't work anymore. 别跟我来这套。已经不管用了。

Mom: See why I need to watch Sex and the City? It's the only excitement I get around here! 了解我为什么要看《欲望城市》了吧?这是这里唯一能让我感到刺激的事!

Dad: Exciting? All they do is go from fling to fling! Is that the life you want? 刺激?她们就只会到处勾三搭四!那就是你想要的生活吗?

Mom: They get to dress up and enjoy life. And men pay attention to them! 她们能够打扮光鲜并且享受生活。而且男人也会注意到她们!

Dad: I'll be going to the neighbors to watch my show. I'll be back in time for Jay Leno. 我要去隔壁看我的节目了。我会赶回家看杰雷诺的节目。

Mom: Now there's a talk show with class...all he does is make fun of people. 这可就是一个高尚的脱口秀了……他会的也不过就是嘲笑人罢了。

Dad: Hey! That show makes me laugh and relax. And it doesn't give me nasty ideas like that raunchy show of yours. 嘿!那个节目让我轻松开怀。才不像你看的那个肮脏节目会让我觉得淫秽。

Mom: At least I can live vicariously through them. 至少我可以透过她们产生共鸣。

Dad: Yeah, yeah, yeah. And those daytime soaps fill you with unrealistic romantic fantasies that will never happen. 对、对、对。还有那些白天播出的肥皂剧,让你满脑子都是这辈子绝对碰不到的虚幻爱情想象。

Mom: Not while I'm married to you, anyway. Go watch your show. Mine's starting! 反正我嫁给你后,这些都甭想了。去看你的电视。我的要开始了!

Kevin: Hi, Mom. Where's Dad? 嗨,妈。爸在哪?

Mom: At the neighbors'... 在邻居家……

Kevin: Larry King Live? Figures. Pass me the remote. 看《赖瑞金现场》吗?想也知道。遥控器给我。

Mom: No, I'm watching HBO. 不要,我在看HBO。

Kevin: Come on. The Practice is on ABC. It's gonna be a good episode. 拜托。ABC在演《律师本色》。这一集会很精彩的。

Mom: I'm watching my show. I'll record it for you, and you can watch it later. 我在看我的节目。我会帮你录起来,你可以晚一点再看。

Kevin: Fine! I'll watch it tomorrow! [to himself] I need to move out of this house... 好吧!我明天再看好了!(对自己)我得搬出这个房子才是……