第 89 课: What's next? 接下来是什么?

Mr. Fu: Now what kind of animal is the tadpole? 蝌蚪是属于哪一类的动物?

Susie: A mammal! 哺乳动物!

Mr. Fu: No, Susie. Nice guess, but think harder. 错,苏西。猜得好,不过再努力想想。

Susie: Oh, wait...the one that can live in or out of the water. 喔,等等……是可以在水中跟离开水生活的那种。

Mr. Fu: Right. What do you call that kind of animal? 对。那种动物叫什么?

Susie: "Anibian"? 两楼动物?

Mr. Fu: [Laughs tenderly] That's cute. But I think it's pronounced "amphibian."

Mr. Fu: And how does the tadpole breathe? 那蝌蚪要怎么呼吸?

Susie: With it's fins! 用鳍。

Mr. Fu: [Laughs again] No, sweetie. It doesn't have fins. It has... (再度笑)不是,亲爱的。蝌蚪没有鳍。它有……

Susie: Gills? 鳃?

Mr. Fu: Yes! You got it! You're so quick! Now tell me about your tadpole's progress... 是的!答对了!你的反应真快!现在告诉我你蝌蚪的进展……

Susie: Mine is growing very fast. I saw two little bumps coming out from behind its body. 我的蝌蚪长得很快。我看到它的身体后面长出两个小突起。

Mr. Fu: What do you think those might be? 你觉得那些可能是什么?

Susie: Are they warts? Oh, no! 是疣吗?喔,惨了!

Mr. Fu: I think those might be its hind legs, Susie. They grow first. 我想那应该是它的后腿,苏西。后腿会先长出来。

Susie: What's next? 接下来是什么?

Mr. Fu: Well, you will learn by watching yours grow. But if you want to know more now, you should read up on it. 这个嘛,只要看着你的蝌蚪长大,你就会了解。不过如果你现在想知道更多的话,你应该去找答案。

Susie: I can look it up on the Internet! 我可以去网络上查!

Mr. Fu: That's right. The more you learn about your pet, the better you can take care of it. 没错。你越了解你的宠物,你就越能把它照顾好。